February 12, 2013

Hannah's WW#2

Warm Up for 4-15 minutes.

Then do WW#2: Do  2-5 Rounds for time
15 Mountain Climbers
15 (each side) Reverse Lunge to Knee Strike
15 Mountain Climbers
15 Close-Grip Push-up (focuses on strengthening the tricep muscle)
15 Mountain Climbers
10 Russian Twist Gun Crunch (turn your hands into gun and pretend to shoot a target from under the bed then sit up to lean back aiming on the other side)
15 Mountain Climbers
30 Reverse Plank Knee-Ups

Mountain Climbers - plank position bring left knee to left elbow and back to start then right knee to right elbow and back to start (do 15 with each leg)

Reverse Lunge to Knee Strike - lunge back then that back knee drives into your imaginary opponent's stomach

Close-Grip Push-Up - elbows are by your side

Here's modified but elbows still close to the body

Russian Twist Gun Crunch - sit on the ground, you legs in around a 90 degree angle off the ground, back straight, turn your hands into gun, lean back and pretend to shoot a target on your right from under the bed then sit up to lean back aiming on the other side

Feet off the ground, point your gun when you lean back

Reverse Plank Knee-Ups - the plank position where the front of your body faces the ceiling, while in this position bring one knee toward your chest - alternate knees

On Feb 9, I did 5 Rounds in 30 minutes.

Can you beat my time?

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