March 19, 2013

Hannah's WW # 4

Hi Warriors! I've been thinking, maybe I'll just post one workout a week (give me more time to do my priority stuff, if 'n ye knows what I mean?)

So Warrior Workout #4

DO 3-4 Rounds (and if you are short on time do 1-2 Rounds) - Do whatever works best for you!

5 Burpee
10 reps (each leg) Single Legged Lunge Jump with back foot resting on a chair
10 Push-Ups
30 reps (each leg) Mountain Climbers (bring each knee up to head 30x)
20 reps Sumo Squats
60 sec. Jump Rope

Modified Versions Here: (Which ever is most challenging for you that you can actually do)

Burpee - Take out the push up (and just do a high plank)
            - OR do push-up on the knees
            - OR eliminate the jump (and just stand up)
            - OR eliminate the hopping feet (just walk feet out when going into plank then walk feet back to your head when going to stand or jump up)

Single Legged Lunge Jump - don't lower self down so much before jumping off the ground

Push-up - don't go all the way to almost touching the ground
              - OR do push-up on knees

Mountain Climbers - instead of sliding or jumping feet towards head, simply do slow steps

Sumo Squats - don't need to modify, they're already easy, but if they're still hard pause during, between reps (like do 5 reps then pause for a bit then do 5 reps then pause then 5 reps then pause...repeat till 20 reps total)
Jump Rope

    MY TIME:
On March 3, 2013 was 3 Rounds = 17 min.
On April 8, 2013 was 4 Rounds = 13 min.


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