November 28, 2012

Explosion In Here - My Poor Brain

Today in my screenwriting class, I learned that it's okay to steal character and conflict ideas (basically) as long as you make it your own! Change the name and whatever else to make it your own.

Because YOU WANT TO OWN IT! Right?

And...what was I going to say...?

I forgot what I was going to say. Why? Because I'm tired. I don't have any me time, because I've been trying to keep up with homework, which is 90% of the time sorting and processing through my thousands of sub-plot ideas. They just never end! My head feels likes it's about to explode. I want them all! But then where's the main story exactly? It's going in, it could go in all sort of exciting directions with one main purpose...(to find the Ultimate Treasure).

Yes, I'm working on writing my first book in the Remmington Pirates Series and its movie script! I know! It's so exciting! There's so much pressure! Because I have a deadline! Which is the 14th of December to have all of my story's sub-plots sorted and picked out and good to go! Granted this is just for a class, BUT I do eventually want to get it published and then made into a movie (I being the screenwriter), so I NEED to know exactly what's happening! Yeah?

Oh! I remembered  what I wanted to say earlier, but I will post that later! (as in I will do it now and schedule the post's appearance to be later...) (The post will be called, "Character Development.")