December 15, 2015

TUESDAY"S Better Than Running Workout 5

Today was kind of rough finding motivation to workout. 

And I thought of one of my fitness inspirations: 

Cause, let's be honest, it never seemed like the right time to do so, even though each one of those times would have been perfectly fine times to workout. I  mean, it's not like I'm going to die missing my two and half hour mark for my next little protein meal by working out over that time. Cause...

So fuel up shortly after the heart pumping session!

Still, days come, like today and yesterday where you feel like you can't get it right. So let it go. Know that it can't be perfect.

But no matter what, we have have to do what works best for us and not be afraid to take chances and just do it anyways!

So, here's to facing fears and worries and just pushing onward!

This is about a half hour power through, you might even be able to faster than that? Otherwise, beginners, slash the reps in half and do your best!

TUESDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 5:

80 Double Under Jump Rope 
60 Jump Squats 
40 Weighted V-Ups
20 Push-up Claps
20 Lunge Jumps
40 Romanian Lunge Jumps
60 Sumo Squat Jumps 
80 Double Under Jump Rope 
20 Explosive Push-ups
20 Push-up Knee-In
40 Romanian Lunge Jumps 
60 Plank Jacks
80 Double Under Jump Rope 
60 Jack Squats
40 Weighted Knee-Ins
20 Push-up Plank Twist

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