September 27, 2013

Turned a Bad Day Into A STRONG CORED Good Day

I wrote down the quote of a female MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Fighter about a year ago and just found it in one of my many notebooks that I write down workouts of various sorts, specifically interval and circuit training and celebrity and model workouts AND martial arts exercises and workouts. Yes, I know that was a mouthful, but it's all good!

Anyways her quote, and I apologize that I cannot remember her name and that I failed to write her name down.

"Every movement begins in your core, because having a strong core can mean the difference between finishing a fight and getting sidelined with an injury."

I confess, last night I felt like a monster and tired and horrible. But then I killed a fat-burning core workout and felt superhuman! Okay, fine, so I felt really good and happy like I could do anything. And then I woke up with a flat stomach! It feels great!

Last night I alternated reps of ab exercises and strength endurance or cardio exercises for about 25-30 min., using Step-up, U-Boat, Elevated Lunge, Alternating Resisted Single-Leg Press, Jab Cross Combo, Resisted Frog Press, Leg Raises, Weighted Cobra Walk, Jump Rope and Jumping Jacks.

Each round starts with 30 Step-Ups for each leg
Round 1 - Alternate 4 Ab Exercises with Strength Endurance Exercises 
Round 2 - Use same 4 Ab exercises but alternate them with 30 seconds of jump rope

Wondering what some of these exercises are? Or for a more detailed, thorough workout description?Email me at
Or call/text me at 507-402-6449 to set up a session with me, because it is far easier to show you in person or through skype how to do some of these exercises rather than me try to explain them without visualizing them, yeah? ;)

By the way, these exercises can be done without equipment. I did them in my living room, except for the sep-up, I used the stairs in the next room.

Love yourself! And love others!

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