March 31, 2014

Hannah'sWarriorShred 35 - Burning Glutes with One-Dumbbell

It's the perfect workout to rev your heart rate and be short and intense at the same time! And I know it says with one-dumbbell, but you can do this workout with a can of beans or a heavy book too. Get creative!
Or if you don't want to do the single-armed Kettlebell Swings (aka KB Swings) in the workout, replace it with a lunge jump:

Now for the workout. Just do the list once till it's all done!

And you will sweat, I promise!

10 sets of - 4 KB Swings (or lunge jumps) to 2 Weighted James Bond Side planks
Do 4 Kettlebell swings then drop down into side plank raising the dumbbell toward the ceiling (you will have to use your imagination. and see a dumbbell in her hand)
 Then reach the dumbbell under, between you and the floor 
 Repeat the James Bond Plank movement once more on the same side for 2 reps = 1 set (we did 5 on each side)

10 sets - 2 KB Swings to 2 Plank Jack Push-up to 1 Plank Pull Across
 Then dopr into plank with the one hand still holding the dumbbell do a plank jack push-up (use your imagination and pretend she's got a dumbbell under one hand)
Then pull the dumbbell across to your other hand, pick it up with you other hand = 1 set (then repeat on the other side - so that's 5 in each side)

10 each side Single Arm Shoulder Press Burpee - start standing with one dumbbell, do shoulder press
drop down to plank with the dumbbell, do a push-up
Then pull the dumbbell across to your other hand, pick it up with you other hand = 1 set 

10 each side Elevated Lunge Jump holding the Dumbell horizontal in both hands - hold the big ends of the dumbbell between both hands at about stomach or chest level (instead of on your hips)

10 each side Side Lunge Hops holding the Dumbbell horizontal in both hands - imagine he is holding a dumbbell by the end between his hands and lunging to the left then jumping to a side lunge on the right = 2 reps (do 10 on each side - we just counted to 20)

10 sets - 3 KB Swing Burpee with 1 Plank Pull Across - do 3 KB Swings
Then do a push up on one dumbbell 
Then pull the dumbbell across to your other hand, pick it up with you other hand , stand up and do KB Swings (or dumbbell swings)

Now am I forgetting anything?

Oh it took me and my friend 20:10 minutes.

Can you beat our time?

We were using a 20 pound Dumbbell, so feel free to use lighter or heavier - whatever is going to challenge you without hurting you.