December 14, 2015

MONDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 4

Getting the heart rate up feel AMAZING! And absolutely refreshing! I can feel the fresh oxygen flooding through my veins, especially after the workout is done. 

You know you nailed the workout when you feel fresh oxygen flowing throughout your body hours after the workout. So good job! Pat yourself on the back! And even if you don't feel like it was a good workout AT LEAST YOU TRIED! Cause, a poor workout is better than none at all!

I must warn you, this workout is at an intermediate/advanced level. It's hard and wickedly magnificent! If you really want a challenge, try this workout two times through!!

Now, beginners, slash the reps in half or even in fourths (see bottom of this post for an example) and if you are up for the challenge repeat the workout for 2-3 rounds with the reps cuts, so you can complete the exercises in smaller numbers and it's so much easier, yet still effectively challenging for your level!

MONDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 4:

60 Sumo Squat Jumps
20 Push-up Claps
60 Sumo Squat Jumps 
80 Mt. Climbers 
60 Seated Row
20 Plank Jack Push-up
60 Jump Squats
80 Seated Row
60 Jack Squats 
20 Alt. Single-Arm DB Burpee
60 Mt. Climbers
80 V-Ups 
60 Jumps Squats 
20 Hand-Release Push-up Explosion


Push-up Claps - even do a modified version on your knees.

Seated Row - start heavy then go lighter so you can keep going without resting too much.

Plank Jack Push-up - even do a modified version on your knees and just plank jack the hands instead of the feet.

V-Ups - start kind of heavy then go lighter, so you're not resting too long - you still might rest long, even without weights with those least 20-40, but definitely on the last 10-20 pick some light weights again and try to finish with them in hand (even the last 5 reps, I give you a thumbs up)!

Hand-Release Push-Up Explosion - as you are pushing off the the ground, eplode your ENTIRE body feet and hands) off the ground and land softly back on your belly and repeat!

15-30 Sumo Squat Jumps
5-10 Push-up Claps
15-30 Sumo Squat Jumps 
20-40 Mt. Climbers 
15-30 Seated Row
5-10 Plank Jack Push-up
15-30 Jump Squats
20-40 Seated Row
15-30 Jack Squats 
5-10 Alt. Single-Arm DB Burpee
15-30 Mt. Climbers
20-40 V-Ups 
15-30 Jump Squats 
5-10 Hand-Release Push-Up Explosion 

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