January 30, 2013

Common Question 3

Another surprising question people ask me is - especially since I mention my dream of it also some day being made into movies is:

What other books or movies would you compare this series with?

The first thing that comes to mind is Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones. But I'm inspired by pretty much ALL of my favourite books, movies, tv series, and recently by video games' movies.

Movies like Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr, Lord of the Rings, Prince of Persia, The Bourne Trilogy and Bourne Legacy, Tangled, Pride and Prejudice, Mission Impossible, The Three Musketeers with Logan Lerman and Orlando Bloom - they're all listed to your right somewhere next to the blogs, including the books that inspire me. ;)

And as of late, like I mentioned earlier video games' movies that players have made from the game are actually inspiring. I'm thinking of the multiple games of "Assassin's Creed" and "Uncharted."

Otherwise, there's TV series, like Merlin and Legend of the Seeker and the A-Team.

They encourage me to shape my own story and help me know what's out there. What are some boundaries or limits and where can I break them and go farther or pull them back and go different direction?

So I encourage you, learn from others and then make your own path or better yet blaze your own trail!

Anyways, can I just say that I’m getting all of my ideas from all the books, movies, and things I love?

P.S. Common Question 4 is coming soon!

January 27, 2013

Common Question 2

It's an excellent question:
What genre does your book fall under?

Who doesn't like to know what sort of genre the book, movie or video game or song is?

The Remmington Pirates Series is full-blown ACTION-ADVENTURE story set in the early 1700s. I absolutely LOVE action-adventure stories, more than romance, honestly. I mean, there's definitely going to be romance and fantasy/magic type stuff in the Remmington Pirates series, cause that stuff is just too fascinating not to throw into the already complicated story. Why not make it more complicated? ;)

P.S. Common Question 3 is coming up too!

January 23, 2013

Men Considered Evil in World's History

So I decided to do some research on evil men in history. Because watching movies and tv shows and reading books about human cruelty and torture in the media, makes such things seem...unreal. I mean did men really do that? Can men really be so cruel?

I admit that I am perhaps naive, but I've never really encountered such evil men in my daily life that could torture helpless people as punishment or to teach a lesson. In my small world, men don't do that. Men are kind and caring and wouldn't harm a hair on another soul for their own pleasure.

Well, according to other people's research on documents and such, they did exist.

Here's some categories I put them in (this is only a small number of men...)

            Pharaoh (Exodus 1-12) (hard-hearted king)
            Nimrod (Gen. 10:8, 9; 1 Chronicles 1:10) (Godless tyrant empire builder)
            King Ahab (1 Kings 16:30-33) (Worst of Israel’s Kings)
            Belshazzar (Daniel 5:2-31) (Sacrilegious King)
            Herod (Matt. 2:1-6, 16) (Paranoid King)
            Felix (Acts 24:24, 25) (Procrastinating Governor)
            Caiaphas (John 11:49-53) (renegade high priest)

            Achan (Josh 7:1, 19-21) (The Carnal-minded soldier)
            Absalom (2 Samuel 15:7-14) (Disobedient son)
            Cain (Gen. 4:3-12) (way that leads to death)

EVIL MEN IN HISTORY (before 18th century)
            Attila (Khan of the Huns from the year 434 till his death in 453) (Leader of Hunnic Empire, stretching from Germany to Ural River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea). (He is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity.) (An unsuccessful campaign in Persia was followed in 441 by an invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire, the success of which emboldened Attila to invade the West. He passed unhindered through Australia and Germany, across the Rhine and Gaul, plundering and devastating all in his path with a ferocity unparalleled in the records of barbarian invasions and compelling those he overcame to augemnt his mighty army.) (He drowned in his own blood on his wedding night.)
            Vlad III of Romania (a.k.a Vlad the Impaler) (reigned during 1448 and 1478) (A method of torture was a horse attached to each of the victim’s legs as a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled and care was not taken that the stake not be too sharp, else the victim might die too rapidly from shock.) (Other methods of cruelty: nails in heads, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs – especially of women, scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or to animals, and boiling alive.)
            Ivan IV of Russia (a.k.a. Ivan the Terrible) (ruled from 1533 to 1547) (Believing that the elite city of Novgorod planned to defect to Poland, he led an army to stop them and built walls around the perimeter of the city in order to prevent the people from escaping. Between 500-1000 people were gathered every day by the troops to be tortured and killed in front of Ivan and his son.) (In 1581, he beat his pregnant daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothing and causing a miscarriage. His son got into a heated argument with his father, resulting in Ivan striking his son in the head with his pointed staff causing his son’s accidental death.)

All right, now you're wondering why I looked this all up, right? Well, to be truthful I looked it up for inspiration in my "Remmington Pirates Series." I want to be realistic, if I'm going to have evil villians in my story I want to know and understand them.

At any rate, "Common Question 2" that I get asked is coming soon! ;P

January 19, 2013

What makes my three Heroes (Jacob, Gavin and Tom) they're own person?

One of my struggles with writing a story with SIX main characters is keeping them indivually separate. What makes them unique from the other?

I sometimes I find myself, while writing their scenes and dialogues and such, getting a little confused with who would really say or do or think like that. They start blending and looking like they're the same person, but they're not!!

When I think about people in real life. There are people out there that I can see saying or thinking or doing the same thing as another person I know. But everyone is unique in how they say or think or do and so must my characters. I mean so they are. ;)

It helps me to go back and read what I wrote about them. Like what their personality is and their interests, otherwise if they're similar in character traits they start blending together. Like Tom and Gavin from my Remmington Pirates Series, they're both extroverts, they both like to make light of things, though Tom is much more carefree than Gavin, and they're both flirts. They like women and don't always take things too seriously and they're both mostly looking out for themselves.

Jacob, Gavin and Tom are all also defenders of women and children, although Jacob and Gavin would stick their necks out there more for strangers than Tom. Tom is more willing to risk his neck for women and children that he knows, or is at least acquainted with.

 It seems like they all three care more about themselves than anyone, but they both know that's not true. All right, maybe they are selfish, but they have wants and needs too that are important to them. And they've discovered that the only way to get what they want is to look out for themselves. However, they are immensely loyal to their friends and what they believe is right.

Tom is more willing to put his friendships at risks for what he wants than Gavin and Jacob are. So they're all formidable fighters.

Jacob is insecure in his feelings and letting himself fall in love. But being loyal is highly important to him, so much he's sometimes naive in throwing himself out there for his friends before totally understanding the situaton. On the other hand he's usually very cautious in proceeding in a plan or relationship. He thinks a lot about it, maybe too much sometimes. Then again he puts his whole heart into it. Who doesn't like a hero to do that for his friends and heroine?

Gavin is outspoken and downright brave, but you wouldn't know that he struggles with his own insecurities and is very sensitive, especially when it comes to losing something he holds dear. He can be a jerk and seem ignorant, but he's very aware of other people's feelings. He covers himself with sarcasm and by being good-natured or drinking. And when his friends or loved ones need protecting or rescuing, he''ll risk his life if he has to, although sometimes at first it looks like he's risking his life for a different purpose.

Tom is gutless and careless when it comes to speaking his mind, he rarely cares about what anyone else thinks about him, unless it's someone he cares about. He tries to be a hero, but it doesn't always work. And when he is a hero, it wasn't always on purpose, it just happened! Because he's always looking out for himself first. But either way he throws his whole heart into a fight. He loves the thrill of fighting and winning. He hates giving up. He's persistent, perhaps too persistent sometimes, especially when it comes to women. But he's loyal to the bone!

All three are nevertheless strong characters, just like the three heroines. I like strong characters. (People in real life are strong characters too, and you just got to believe in yourself and your dreams!)

And you must know that these six main characters will be going through a lot! They're going to be challenged. They're going to face hard decisions. They're going to do things they normally wouldn't do for themselves and for others. How that happens is the exciting part. (Just like people in real life ;)

P.S. Common Question 2 is coming soon!

January 16, 2013

Common Question 1

What is your book about?
            The book is about three Remmington girls and three pirate guys with their own reasons for finding the ultimate treasure, but first they have to get the map after they find the map. BUUT the map is not in one piece.
      That is only the surface of what the Remmington Series is about, there is SOOOO much more. It's so complicated, I can't even hardly begin to explain. When I have time to pull myself away from writing the story and you know travelling and what not, ;) then I will tell you more. I mean I am so excited to share the story with you, but it's still a huge work in progress. BUT the ideas and plots and sub-plots and twists are all so exciting I wish it was done already so people can read it and enjoy it as much as I have in writing it!

So I will just tell you what first comes to mind in what the story entails:
      Right now there's pirates, magic, gypsies, soldiers, military sailors, balls, gowns, guns, cutlasses, werewolves, slaves, exotic places, Barbary Cosairs (Muslim Pirates), French people and pirates, Italian people and pirates, Greek people and pirates, Scottish people and pirates, Irish people and pirates, English people and pirates, Spanish people and pirates, Arab people, family, friends, enemies, rivals, war, battles, hearbreak, romance, mystery, love, treasure, the Ultimate Treasure (whatever that is), curses, betrayal, support, siblings good and bad, ships, mermaids, Venice, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, secrets from friends and family, problem solving, keys and journals dropping hints and clues to help find the treasure and the Ultimate treasure, dreams, destiny, finding true love, storms, islands, cannibals, shipwrecks, fears, hope, fights, bows and arrows, daggers, poisons, potions, assassins, murder, revenge/avenge, forgiveness, roof jumping, discovery, self-control, victory, loss, running, stealing, horse races, disguises, happy ending, never ending, but happy ending. And you know anything else a fantasy world that might get in the way of finding the Ultimate Treasure.


I would upload more photos to give you some of the things that inspire me or I found that my best represent some of the things going on in the story, but when I click the "Upload" option and doesn't give the next step to click on anymore. =( Which is mighty to disappointing!

Anyways, more common questions that I'll answer to come!

January 4, 2013

Father says not to give up. Believe - "Hope Will Lead Us On NEW BarlowGirl song!"

God is beaming with love for us! His heart is on fire for us! Don't give up on your dreams! He is a Father that loves! His love for us is never ending! He will never abandon His promises. It's not in in His nature.

BarlowGirl - Rain Down

I love this song. I want play it!