February 13, 2013

Hannah's WW #3

Bonjour Warriors!

Before we really push our bodies to get stronger and fitter...
Drink Water! Lots of water (like at least one to four cups before starting)
Warm-Up (Don't let your muscles or joints hurt)
And Cool Down (for me that's at least 5 to 10 minutes of stretching my muscles)

Now for WW #3: Do 8 Rounds (OR you could do 30min. AMRAP)
20 Plank Janks
20 Mountain Climbers (20 each knee to elbow)
12 Alternating 2 Close-Grip Push-Up and 2 Military Push-ups (till total of 12 reps) (keep your back straight)
20 Lunge Jump (10 each side)
12 Squat Jumps
12 Pike Sit-Up Crunch


Plank Jacks - in plank position jump feet apart then together then apart then together, etc.

Mountain Climbers - bring left knee to left elbow immediately switch and bring right knee to right elbow, 20 times each side

Close-Grip Push-up - elbows are close to your side when you go down, so you're working your triceps more. If this is too easy get your knees off the ground

Military Push-Up

Lunge Jump - I jump in lunge position on left side 10 times then do switch and do 10 on the other. You can alternate switching from left to right to left to right.

Front knee behind toes, back straight

Squat Jumps - squat and jump off ground - I just have my hands by my sides in a 90 degree angle or something. You can have your hands behind your head just pull on your neck.

Pike Sit-Up Crunch

On Feb 11, I did 4 Rounds in 17 minutes before going to bed.
I am going to do 8 Rounds today and I will update this later telling you how long it took me. ;)

And go hard!

P.S. An AMRAP is "As Many Rounds As Possible" in a certain amount of time.

February 12, 2013

Hannah's WW#2

Warm Up for 4-15 minutes.

Then do WW#2: Do  2-5 Rounds for time
15 Mountain Climbers
15 (each side) Reverse Lunge to Knee Strike
15 Mountain Climbers
15 Close-Grip Push-up (focuses on strengthening the tricep muscle)
15 Mountain Climbers
10 Russian Twist Gun Crunch (turn your hands into gun and pretend to shoot a target from under the bed then sit up to lean back aiming on the other side)
15 Mountain Climbers
30 Reverse Plank Knee-Ups

Mountain Climbers - plank position bring left knee to left elbow and back to start then right knee to right elbow and back to start (do 15 with each leg)

Reverse Lunge to Knee Strike - lunge back then that back knee drives into your imaginary opponent's stomach

Close-Grip Push-Up - elbows are by your side

Here's modified but elbows still close to the body

Russian Twist Gun Crunch - sit on the ground, you legs in around a 90 degree angle off the ground, back straight, turn your hands into gun, lean back and pretend to shoot a target on your right from under the bed then sit up to lean back aiming on the other side

Feet off the ground, point your gun when you lean back

Reverse Plank Knee-Ups - the plank position where the front of your body faces the ceiling, while in this position bring one knee toward your chest - alternate knees

On Feb 9, I did 5 Rounds in 30 minutes.

Can you beat my time?

Hannah's Warrior Workout WARM-UP

Before the workout we must FIRST Warm-up for 5-15 minutes. (Some people do 4 or 5 minutes even)

I am definitely guilty of not warming up, because I get bored with what some people do for a warm-up (so I tend to skip it, but I'm noticing sometimes that when I'm cold and then dive into the workout without warming up, I ache in an unfriendly manor afterwards and the next day) so even though it seems so time consuming and I get impatient, I'm going to do it to protect my muscles and joints.

What do I usually do? I like a heart-pumping warm-up. But how do you get one that warms up your body?

I have found that I like to do 30 second intervals of easy: jump rope then jump twist (that's 1 minute) then jumping jacks  then butt kicks (that's 1 minute) then high knee jogging then speed skaters (that's 1 minute) (or whatever order I want). And I do that repeatedly till it's been a good 10 or 15 minutes, depending on how much time I have.
I don't count how many rounds I do, I just look at the clock randomly to see how much longer I should warm up, but if you like rounds Do 3-5 Rounds of counting to 30 (or use a timer if you think you're counting too slow or too fast) with each exercise:

So the Warrior Warm-Up (count to 30 for each exercise, as close to what 30 seconds is like then keep going with that for 6-15 minutes:
Jump Rope - I jump rope without a rope, so it's imaginary.
Jump Twist - knees are together, you jump twisting your abs so your knees point left and your shoulders point right then quickly switch directions
Jumping Jacks - I count to 30
Butt kicks = like jogging but your kicking your feet back/up toward your butt.
High Knee Jogging = Jog in place with your knees as high as you can
Speed Skaters (jump side to side like your racing on skates)

Here are three versions of the Jump Twist (I don't use any equipment I just jump and twist my body left to right to left to right, etc.)


Speek Skater

You can do whatever easy pace you like to do that loosens up your muscles.

February 10, 2013

Hannah's WW #1 - with Upgraded Challenge

Hi Warriors! (Okay, I'm not gonna lie I stole this greeting from Zuzanna, who I am totally inspired by and I get my ideas for my workouts from. She does ZWOW on youtube. I follow her workouts. And I have tried creating my own combinations of exercises and they are just as good. I would consider Zuzanna my personal trainer, since I'm learning from her.)

Anyways, now for my first Warrior Workout you can either do a 30 min. AMRAP or you can complete 8 Rounds as fast as possible in good form for time (so how fast can you complete 8 rounds?):

NOTE: 1 round is going through the whole list of exercises once.

NOTE: 30 minute AMRAP means doing As Many Rounds As Possible in 30 minuties.

BUT FIRST Warm-up for 5-15 min (like 30 second intervals of easy jump rope, jogging, jumping jacks, butt kicks, high knee jogging, speed skaters, whatever)

I jump rope without a rope, so it's imaginary.
Butt kicks = like jogging but your kicking your feet back/up toward your butt.
High Knee Jogging = Jog in place with your knees as high as you can
Speed Skaters (jump side to side like your racing on skates)
Speek Skater

WW#1 - 8 Rounds or 30 min AMRAP:
10 Pike Push-Ups (make an upside down V with your body in push-up position)
20 Plank Twists (knee to opposite elbow)
30 (each side...so a total of 60) Alternating Cross Punches
20 Squat Jacks (jumping jack with a squat as your legs come apart, you don't flap arms)
10 (Straight-Legged Hinging) Deadlifts (with books or anything to add weight to your hands)

HOW TO do the exercise:

10 Pike Push-Ups (aka Pike Press) ("go down as far as you can")

20 Plank Twists (alternate bringing knee as close to the opposite elbow as you can)

30 (each hand) Alternating Cross Punches (to imaginary opponents on your left and right)
[I get bored easily doing that so I mix it up and do 15 Cross Punches then 15 Jabs (each hand) OR I'll do 10 Cross Punches then 10 Jabs then 10 Cross Punches OR I'll do 10 Jabs to the stomach of my imaginary punching bag then 10 Cross Punches then 10 Jabs to the face  - Whatever combination of alternating right and left that you want to do. - No matter what it's a total of 30 punches each side.]

Punch as hard as you can, but don't overextend your reach that you strain your arm. Focus on twisting your abs in the cross punch, so you're working the muscles in your core and keep your abs tight.
 (Imagine that you are actually trying to knock someone out, you're not going to hit them nicely. Right?)

20 Squat Jacks (Your hands can be by your head, in front of you on the side of you - I tend to have my hands in front like the first picture of the girl in black)

10 Straight-Legged Hinging Deadlifts (use books or bottles or bags if you don't have dumbbells - anything to add weight and strengthen your hamstrings) (keep your back straight, abs tight, you're strengthening your hamstrings, which won't feel sore till the next day - at least that's the way of it for me).

For deadlift, you can do it a variety of ways, bending your legs as much as you want as you lower the weight or even just your hands to the ground, or you can keep your legs pretty straight with a tiny bend in the knees. If your back hurts when you bend don't bend so far (keep your back straight and abs tight that will help) or use lighter weights. The focus here, for me, is stretching the hamstring. You can do your own version (from a reliable source of instruction).

On Wednesday morning (Feb 6) I completed 8 Rounds in 31 min.
Can you beat my time? Or how many rounds can you do in 30 min.?

And remember don't DIE or in other words don't faint or get light-headed. PACE YOURSELF, but keep yourself challenged and breathing hard and your heart pumping.

And remember YOUR BODY DESERVES THIS - to be exercised, it will thank you for it, by making you feel better about the sweat. ;)

So when I did the WW#1 I accidentally added an exercise on Monday Feb 11.

Therefore I give you the BONUS/UPGRADE CHALLENGE: Instead of doing 20 Squat Jacks do 30 and then do 20 Plank Twists

So the the workout would look like this: WW#1 w/Upgrade - 8 Rounds or 30 min AMRAP:
10 Pike Push-Ups (make an upside down V with your body in push-up position)
20 Plank Twists (knee to opposite elbow)
30 (each side...so a total of 60) Alternating Cross Punches
30 Squat Jacks (jumping jack with a squat as your legs come apart, you don't flap arms)
20 Plank Twists
10 (Straight-Legged Hinging) Deadlifts (with books or anything to add weight to your hands)

On Mon Feb 11, I did 8 rounds in 43 min with the upgraded challenge (without the warm up's time, which I forgot to warm-up). So warm-up! It keeps your muscles and joints protected.

Can you beat my time? (Keeping in good form, even if you have to modify some of the exercises like me). ;)

I took super-super short breaks to catch my breath then kept going, even though I wanted to stop after round 4.

You can do it!

P.S. I also want to give credit to CrossFit people for being an inspiration as well.
Also NOTE I am not certified in anything, I'm just sharing what I do, because I can't afford to be certified right now, cause you know that costs money. ;) SO I do my own training and I invite you try my combinations and change it up and make it your too!

February 9, 2013

What is Hannah's WW - (Warrior Workout)

You know how in the movies the hero or heroin always goes through some points of struggle of some sort? And you know how we like to see the hero/heroine struggle only if they come out victorious in the very end of the movies, books or video games?


Well, it's your turn to be the hero/heroine. And heroes are warriors.

You can't win anything without fighting for something!

No one gets stronger or more skilled doing the exact same thing or same level of difficulty that's becomes relatively easy over and over again.
No! The only way to improve yourself to become better, stronger person is to challenge yourself and push yourself.

If you want something you have to fight for it.

Clearly, if you're not fighting for it, you're not going to win anything - no sense of accomplishment, no benefit from the work, which is why I exercise, why I fight through creative challenges (to write and perfect my pirate story).

"If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way." - Terry Goodkind
"A gem cannot be pollished without friction, nor a man without trials." - Chinese Proverb

I want to really step into training myself to overcome challenges. And one way to help do that is envision myself fighting to survive life-threatening situations - like in the movies and video games. If they can survive, so can I!


So embrace the warrior inside yourself that's longing to come out and be the hero/heroine yourself!
It's your turn!

Hence, I feel like it would be good motivation for myself as well to post the exercises I do every week. I like to do Circuit Training (and mixed with Martial Arts sometimes too). They exercises...They're intense. They're brutal. They're rewarding. They're heart racing. They're sweaty. They're any fitness level. They're making me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

I googled the definition of Circuit Training. This is what people are saying:
"Circuit Training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high intensity aerobics."

"Circuit Training targets strength building and muscular endurance." 

"Circuit Training is an excellent way to simultaneously improve mobility and stamina."

"Circuit Training is short bursts of resistance exercise with fluent repetitions, followed quickly by another burst of a [different] exercise..."

"Circuit Training offers more cardio benefits, and it will help you burn 30% more calories. Sculpt every muscle..."

"Circuit Training can help you burn fat and sculpt a lean body in less time than other workout routines."

FACT: Exercise is essential to get oxygen to your cells.
FACT: Oxygen brings life to your body.
FACT: Oxygen detoxifies your blood.
FACT: Oxygen strengthens your immune system.
FACT: Oxygen heightens concentration and alertness.
FACT: Oxygen rejuvinates and revitalizes unhealthy cells.
FACT: Oxygen slows down the aging process.
FACT: Oxygen helps fight depression.
FACT: Oxygen helps your body burn fat.

For me, my body genuinely feels better after doing them. I feel like I have more oxygen flowing through me. And I like to throw in some Martial Arts and Army Weapons training (without an actual weapon, because that's just dangerous. Use a fake one.) (I get my training ideas from youtube.) I AM NOT certified in anything, I'm just a girl who likes to use her imagination and be a warrior.

And I prefer to workout at home. It's less time consuming trying to get to the gym and plus back in America at home I don't have access to a gym. So I have to make do with what I can find around the room I'm in, which is my bedroom 98% of the time.
WARNING: My workouts are as fast as you can go without pushing yourself too hard you feel fainting or getting lighted-headedness. If you need to catch your breath STOP and catch your breath. Let your body relax for a minute or so. Take a drink of water. No sense in keeling over in the process. Then continue - pausing as often as your body needs you to, but keep it challenging. AND KEEP PERFECT FORM even if you have to do a modified version of the exercise.

Psh! I have to do modified versions, because I'm not at a high/perfect level of fitness in any way, I just like to challenge myself and want share with you what I'm doing, hoping it will motivate me not to slack off and get lazy, like I've been doing. I've been starting and faithful for a good two-four days and then I completely stop for various excuses. But I want to come back with a different approach. And I want you to know about it! You're more than welcome to join me if I haven't already intrigued you ;P

 Originally I was thinking Hannah's WPW, which stands for Hannah's Warrior Princesss/Prince Workout, but I'm still on the fence on what to call it. I definitely want the "Hannah's" and "Warrior" and "Workout" in the title.

The royalty is for the reality that everyone can be a prince or a princess.

But, maybe I will call it Hannah's HWW for Hannah's Heroe's/Heroine's Warrior Workout (oh! that's a mouthful, maybe not). Or you know "Hannah's Warrior Workout" (WW) OR "Hannah's Royal Warrior Workout" (RWW) (which is also kind of a mouthful)

What do you think/vote for (or suggest)?
"Hannah's WPW" = Hannah's Warrior Princess/Prince Workout
"Hannah's RWW" = Hannah's Royal Warrior Workout
"Hannah's WW" = Hannah's Warrior Workout

So I will post Hannah's WW #1 in a day or two.

February 7, 2013

Remmington Pirate Series is Evolving and...

I've realized that the story is still evolving. (I really like that word "evolving." I think it fits perfectly.)

I feel like I have so much to learn about the history of the time period from around the world (what's happening with politics and why there's controversy? What is there controversy about? And how can I throw in my own magical type controversy that's not...I'm not sure what word to use here, maybe "quirky"?)
Anyways, I'm figuring out how relationships of the characters go from point A to B to C to D and so on, and that of the characters' personal growths too, how they go from A to B to C to D, etc with all the things happening.


And I'm trying different twists to throw into the story, like...well I'd rather not say, don't want to spoil any expectations. ;) But I will say that I'm looking into the characters' past to see what makes them do what they are doing in the present (in the stories' time period of 1707) or maybe the past doesn't effect that character so much.

I almost feel like I'm coming at this story from several angles and trying different things that I would want to find in a story or what I like to find in a story. How can I put that in my story? Or stay away from this story and save it for a different series.


Yeah, I am filled with way too many ideas, so much that I've got ideas for about 20 other stories. I have to force myself to stay focused on ONE story, because some of the people I talk to are like "Hurry up and finish the story!" Or like my sister would say "Finish that story THEN write your next story."

Story Board

Creating of Disney's Tangled

That's hard...I want to work on my other stories too, but I know that they will be there (in my flashdrive are the notes of its idea that I've taken for it already.) I need to have patience with myself and accept the fact that I'm not one of those writers that can just spit out a story, I like to try different things. I'm a perfectionist. Not that other writers are not. Heavens no! Everyone is different. That's nothing new. Be who you are. Let yourself do what you were created to do. And do it the way you were uniquely designed.

Embrace yourself.
Figure out how you were designed.
Understand yourself.
Love yourself.
Be the you that only you can be that's your job! Stop trying to be someone you're not that's not your job let that person be themselves. Blaze your trail, even if you find yourself going off someone else's trail, you're still going some place else with that trail you may have started on. Hey! You'll definitely meet with other people's trails, no worries! Just keep going!