I confess, I have been a very lazy bum since -when? February? Yea, probably. The little will-power I had over the past few months twindled to this summer of having no
motivation whatsoever to workout. No motivation to keep the sweet stuff out of my mouth.
The past couple of days the word that has been the most motivating and convincing to myself to change (because. I have realized that I did not want to change, but conform to the world's "eat whatever, whenever and forget taking time to workout" mindset)
So this morning before work - I did a 10 minute workout. And when I got home from work, I did a - what turned out to be a - 20 minute workout, because it was for time.
So what were the words to inspire and motivate me?
"Be Determined"
Be determined to changed your body.
Be determined to lose weight.
Be determined to have self-control in eating.
Be determined to work on your passions.
Be determined to eat more meat and not sweets.
Be determined to drink more water and nothing at all.
Be determined to get more sleep.
Be determined to say no when appropriate.
Be determined to grow my relationship with God.
Be Dtermined...
What's your "Be Determined"?