March 31, 2015

CrossFit@Home W/MMA - Day1 Abs&Legs

Today's Tuesday Training was because the last couple of days I have been missing my MMA training, so I decided to throw it in with my CrossFit inspired workouts.

The Strength Start-Up, the MMA Start-Up, the WOD Start-Up, and the MMA Step-Up  (took me about 26min). (The WOD On-Fire, the MMA On-Fire, and the Strength On-Fire parts - including rest in between - took me 19min). Followed by Yoga and Stretching.

Day5Arms&Legs: (it was a little bit of both)

Strength Start-Up:
                           8min Tabata: 40sec Hard, 20sec Rest
                                               Competition Burpee with Double Push-Up Knee-In
                                               Wgt'd V-Ups
                                               L. Single-Arm DB Swing
                                               R. Single-Arm DB Swing
                                               Reverse Crunch
                                               Competition Burpee with Double Push-Up Plank Twist
                                               Seated Knee Tucks
                                               Jump Squat

Rest for 1min

MMA Start-Up
                  2min Rounds
                                               Round 1 = Side Kick to Side Hammer Strike to Front Hammer Strike
                                               Round 2 = Roundhouse to Reverse Elbow Strike

WOD Start-Up:
                        8min AMRAP        
                                                 10 Pistol Squats 
                                                 10 Push-Ups
                                                 10 Leg Raises

Rest for 1min

MMA Step-Up
                  2min Rounds
                                               Round 1 = Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Duck, Back Elbow Strike
                                               Round 2 = Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Side Hammer Strike to Front 
                                                                 Hammer Strike

Strength On-Fire:
                                                  R. Single-Arm DB Swing
                                                  L. Single-Arm DB Swing

Rest for 1min

MMA On-Fire
                  2min Rounds
                                               Round 1 = Side Kick to Roundhouse to Reverse Elbow Strike to 
                                                                 Overhead Hammer (Knife) Strike
                                               Round 2 = Front Overhead Forearm Block to Uppercut to Front Elbow 
                                                                Strike to Double Knee Strike

WOD On-Fire
                                                  Grasshopper (In plank position, jump foot across you body past the            
                                                                       opposite elbow - like an advanced Plank Twist)
                                                  Leg Raise to Toe Touch Crunch
                                                  Bicycle Sit-Ups OR Bicycle Crunches
                                                  Sumo Squat Jump


Yoga & Stretch for 10min

A Remmington Pirates Book 1 Excerpt

A night Jacob is aboard Admiral Crazy Lou's docked ship at Portsmouth Point, Portsmouth, England in summer 1706:

     "They said it was a key. My mother said this was my inheritance. I didn't know what she meant, because it was just a ruby gem. But now I'm thinking there's treasure connected to that ruby necklace and this map. I don't know how,but I need to find out if this really is a dead end like ye say," said Jacob in his southern Irish accent.
     Lou was deep in thought, studying the tiny creases in his desk. It seemed like forever before he finally spoke. "Where'd you get the map?"
     Jacob's face lightened up. "It was my mother's. I hid it in a secret place on yer ship when we first met, where yez let me have a room to myself."
     "You've always had it? Why didn't you tell me about it?"
     "My mother told me to keep this map a secret. 'Dont trust anyone wit' it,' she said."
     "Oh! Can I see it?"
     "Aye." Jacob handed it to him.
     Lou pulled up a chair and pulled the candle closer to him. He examined the roughly sketched and faded map. He picked it up and looked at it from the back, above the light.
     Jacob watched him with puzzlement as to what the English pirate could possibly be looking for.
     Several minutes passed. Lou continued to analyze its texture and accurateness in distance to where it might be on an actual map by comparing it with one of his maps of Europe.
     "This is a copy." Lou looked up at Jacob finally.
     "How do yez know?"
     "The tale of this Ruby Treasure has been around for almost three-hundred years. Firstly, this paper is too modern. It's at least fifty years old. Secondly, the writing is as if someone was either in a hurry trying to get the sketch done or someone needed to practice writing more. It's too sloppy, and almost looks nervously done."
     Jacob was struck dumb.
     "And thirdly, this island," Lou pointed to Jacob's map, "is not on the map," he then pointed to his map of Europe.
     "But if it were, it would be right here," Jacob pointed to a sea-surrounded area on the map of Europe.
     "What did I tell you before?"
     "'For centuries it has driven people mad and brought them to naught but dead ends,' I know. But Captain Stone is threatening my life if I don't get him the ruby in three weeks."
     "Captain Stone?" Lou looked surprised. He sighed exasperatedly, scratching the top back part of his head. "So what do you think you need to do?"
     Jacob was slightly taken off guard by the question. He shook his head silently. Hopelessly. He then chuckled with a modest smirk. " I could just flee. Hope I don't get caught." He shrugged.
     Lou nodded. "Aye, don't let him control your life. I'll even help protect you if I can." It was Lou's turn to chuckle and smirk. "Maybe you could give him a fake?"
     "Like a replica?"
     "Exactly!" Lou pointed his pointer finger at Jacob with excitement. "Because, we don't have time for Captain Stone's nonsense. I have a lead for some abandoned treasure on an ancient Roman island, called Lupus Island."
     "Lupus Island?"
     "Aye. It was a popular trading post at one point and time...uh...around the year 900."
     "That doesn't sound so bad."
     "Well, except that it is heavily guarded by these giant wolves. Anyone who tries to stay on the island for long ends up wolf dinner. But those are just rumors. So why not investigate for ourselves?"

March 30, 2015

Monday's MAGIC SWEAT - CrossFit@Home - Day5Arms&Legs

Feel the oxygen flow nicely into the your lungs after this workout. Are you up for it?

How fast can you go while staying in perfect form?

Remember, to change out any exercises for something you can do if you have pain or kack if equipment or...something.

The Strength Start-Up and the WOD Start-Up (took me about 30min). (The WOD On-Fire and the Strength On-Fire parts - including rest in between - took me ____min). And then of course there is the cool down of stretching at the end, but before I finished stretching I did some MMA practice (at least 8min).

Day5Arms&Legs: (it was a little bit of both)

Strength Start-Up:
                            Do 5 Rounds
                                               20 Pull-Ups
                                               20 Squat Toe Touch
                                               20 Squat Pulses

Rest for 2min
Jump Rope 2min
Rest 1min

WOD Start-Up:
                                                 Lunge Jumps
                                                 Push-Up Plank Twist

Rest for 2min
Jump Rope 2min
Rest 1min

Strength On-Fire:
                                                  Competition Burpees
                                                  Hollow Rocks
                                                  Squat Jumps
                                                  Mountain Climbers

Rest for 2min
Jump Rope 2min
Rest 1min

WOD On-Fire
                                                  Double Tuck Jump to Push-Up
                                                  Burpee to Single Snatch (Alternate Sides)
                                                  Sumo Squat Pulse
                                                  Double Lunge Jump to Spider-Man Push-Up

Rest&Stretch for 2min
MMA Practice for 4min
Yoga for 2min

March 26, 2015

SWEATY Saturday - CrossFit@Home - Day4TotalBody

There's always a way.

 What are your priorities? 

How are you willing to be creative?

What are you going to substitute for weights for some of the exercises? OR you can totally replace the exercise with a different exercise if you just can't come up with the equipment you need? 

What is going to challenge you to make your body turn up the fat burning all day long?

Catch the wave before it's too late. Of course there's always another wave, but why wait?

The Strength Start-Up and the WOD Start-Up (took me about 21:20min). (The WOD On-Fire and the Strength On-Fire parts - including rest in between - took me 21min). And then of course there is the cool down of stretching at the end (at least 5min).

As you can tell, I am breaking up today's workout to fit my schedule better, which is totally fine! I'm doing what works for me and it's great! =D So workout before bed? Yes!


Strength Start-Up:
                                               Half Burpees
                                               Jump Squats
                                               Reverse Push-Ups

Rest&Stretch/Yoga for 3min

WOD Start-Up:
                           3 Rounds
                                                 20 Squats 
                                                 20 Wgt'd V-Ups
                                                 20 Hand-Release Push-Up Knee-Ins

Rest&Stretch/Yoga for 3min

Strength On-Fire:
                                                  Clean & Press
                                                  Tuck Jumps

Rest&Stretch/Yoga 3min

WOD On-Fire
                        10min AMRAP
                                                  25 Pull-Ups
                                                  20 Lunge Jumps
                                                  15 Snatches (each side)
                                                  10 Hollow-Rocks 
                                                  5 Handstand Push-Ups OR Pike Push-Up
Stretch&Yoga at least 5min

Thursday TRAINING - CrossFit@Home - Day3Abs

IDon't lose hope.

Find something to start that fire again. Don't let it stay dead.

The Strength Start-Up and the WOD Start-Up (took me about 22min). (The WOD On-Fire and the Strength On-Fire parts - including rest in between - took me 29min). And then of course there is the cool down of stretching at the end (at least 7min, but who's counting?).


Strength Start-Up:
                            Eight 1minute Rounds (1min for each exercise)
                                               6 Single-Arm DB Swings (alternate sides)
                                               5 Reverse Crunch to Toe Touch
                                               5 Knee Tucks
                                               2 Push-Up Knee-Ins (alternate sides)

Rest&Stretch for 3min

WOD Start-Up:
                           8-8-8 (Dare you to do another round of 8 reps each exercise)

                                                 Jump Squats 
                                                 Competition Burpees
                                                 Leg Raises to Toe Touch
                                                 Wgt'd V-Ups

Rest&Stretch for 2min

Strength On-Fire:
                              2 Rounds: (But I dare you to do 4 Rounds, if you have time)
                                                  20 Push-Ups
                                                  20 L. Single-Arm DB Swing
                                                  20 R. Single-Arm DB Swing
                                                  20 Plank Jacks
                                                  20 JB Knee Tucks
                                                  20 Plank Jacks
                                                  20 Bicycle Sit-Ups

Rest&Stretch 4min

WOD On-Fire
                        Tabata: 60sec Hard, 30sec Rest
                                                  Tuck Jumps
                                                  Alt. Superman Planks
                                                  Sumo Squat Jumps
                                                  Reverse Crunch
                                                  Reverse Crunch
                                                  Seated Row
                                                  Wgt'd V-Ups

Yoga&Stretch for at least 5-7min

So if this was easy, change it! Make it harder! More reps? Go faster? Or More rounds? 

Do what challenges your body! Everybody is different and at different stages and that's great! That means we're not all the same robots. ;)

What Is That?

JB Knee Tucks - I invented this one, so it's technically not a CrossFit exercise, but what's a girl to do when she doesn't have the other fancy expensive equipment of the heavy-weight crossfittwr? She's got to find other ways to challenge herself!

So the JB Knee Tucks is like a Russian Twist with a Knee Tuck, but point your imaginary gun as you lean back for the Russian Twist

March 25, 2015

WORDY Wednesday - Amain

What word should I learn today?

Well, this word was part of the "Word of the Day" list from a few days ago - on my digital dictionary that is.


It comes from the 1594.

Amain = with full force
           = at full speed
           = suddenly; hastily
           = exceedingly; greatly

March 24, 2015

Tuesday TRAINING - CrossFit@Home - ShortStuff. DirtyThirty

Let's get this done fast! Life is calling! 

All right, so fitness is definitely part of the life that is calling, cause without disciplining our fleshly bodies we'd not be giving the rest of life calling its best.

It's like if you want to thrive in life you got to put in the work.

Reaping confidence and energy to put toward other areas in life is only going to come if we get our heads on straight and take care of the only body we get on this earth. How do you want to live in your body? What do you have to do to make that happen?

So today, I did a Dirty Thirty workout.

Do 2 Rounds 

But I dare you to do 3 Rounds

30 Reverse Pull-Ups OR Bent-Over or Seated Row OR Pull-Up
30 Sumo Squat Jump Toe Touches
30 Clean & Press (in other words: Squat to Shoulder Press)
30 Reverse Lunge (with a Lunge Jump switch every five reps)
Rest 1-2minutes before repeating. But if you are at a higher fitness level don't rest, keep going!

How-To Do it Without Equipment?

Fill a bag, backpack, shopping bag, purse with heavy stuff, and if you have another bag of the sort you can use to make both bags weigh about the same, that's perfect!

March 23, 2015

Monday FITNESS MAGIC - CrossFit at Home

Short on time?

Nay! You can totally find some time to do these! Unless of course you 're sick, running on like 2 hours of sleep, or....

Anyways, make some magic happen with this workout (which I found on pintrist actually.)

March 22, 2015

Sunday's SILLY WRITER - What's it like writing a 5-6 book series?

What's my life like as a writer?

What's it like writing a 5-6 book series?

Yea, it's kind of stressful, but I can't help it! I just need to write it!

So how do I react when someone asks about my writing?

How do I think about my writing?

Let me start with this:

Ok, that's not completely true for "what I really do". Yes, I get frustrated. I get frustrated and overwhelmed by the amount of characters and directions I want the story to go - which ones are the best? Which ones are keeper and which do I throw out (or save for a different series)? Which reminds me, yes I can save some plot or scene ideas for a different story all together. Nothing wrong with that!
I certainly do not have writer's block, unless there are different forms of writer's block?

Nay, I get blocked, or rather stuck is the more fitting term for me, on a road that comes to several forks. You know, like "fork in the road"? Except I come to like, a hundred forks on the road and then when I finally pick one to go down I come to another fork in the road of another fifty option....and on and's a repeated process of constantly running into forks in the road. 

Like this:

And then I feel like, "Wait, maybe I should go this way instead...or that way would be good too...oooor that way....??"

And then I'm like, "There's too many to choose from! Stop, brain, with all the ideas! I can't handle it!"

All right, all right. One step at a time. We will take each choice, one at a time.

If it's stressing me out too much then maybe I need to cut it? Sometimes I just want to get rid of certain characters but they're too engrained in the story, I can't unravel them now! But it's too overwhelming!

I need to figure out this villain's stuff, this other villain's stuff and that villain's stuff, without revealing the first two villains as major threats to the heroes till book 2 and 3. Oh yea, and then there's about 4 other villains that rise up in books 3,4,5 maybe a book 6 and cause problems for the heroes and heroines.
And there are the supporting characters that need to be better understood too. And then...And then....

Relax your mind!

Calm your mind!

I feel like I am young Professor X and young Magneto in in the film "X-Men: Fitst Class" when Charles is shouting at Eric to calm his mind. Except I'm shouting at myself.

It actually kind of cracks me up - in comforting way that reminds me I'm human.

No worries here!

But seriously, here's my life:

Actually, I've never sobbed over my story, if anything frustrated and ignore it for a while. But I always end up coming back to it with apologies for ignoring it or simply wanting to tackle it into cooperation and be the dominate person...OR I come back to it with a sense of peace and mutual understanding, and mutual cooperation too I suppose.


Yea, clearly I am still working out the kinks. And believe me there are lots of them. I mean, did you see how many pathways I could go?! You can't just pick one and go nilly willy. No! You have to figure out how the different paths will fit together or not. And if it's even plausible and makes sense for the characters and the setting.

It's great! So many challenges that seem never ending!?!

March 21, 2015

March 20, 2015

Friday FACT

Or maybe it should be called " TRUTH", but it starts with a "t" and not an "f"? 

No matter, did you know this verse is in the Bible twice?

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21 ESV)


"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Luke 12:34 ESV)

AND well, something about it sticks out for the Remmington Pirates book series I'm writing...I'm not entirely sure for what reason. I think it's cause it says "treasure"?

Did you know that pirates like treasure? ;)


I am thankful for supporting and encouraging people that still believe in those that fail, that slip up, that make mistakes, that struggle in the worst way to win, that struggle to get it right. Thank you!

March 18, 2015

WORDY Wednesday - Idealist

WORDY Wednesday means I share the definition of a word.

Like, what's the definition of "Idealist"?

According to my iPad's dictionary, it's:


  1. "a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles, purposes, goals, etc. Synonyms:optimist, perfectionist, reformer, visionary, utopianist. Antonyms: pragmatist, skeptic, cynic."
  2. "a visionary or impractical person. Synonyms:romantic, romanticist, dreamer, stargazer.Antonyms: realist, materialist."
  3. "a person who represents things as they might or should be rather than as they are: My friend is an idealist, who somehow thinks that we always agree."
  4. "a writer or artist who treats subjects imaginatively."
  5. "a person who accepts the doctrines of philosophical idealism, as by representing things in an ideal form, or as they might or should be rather than as they are."

Some Synonyms of the word "Idealist" are:

Those are quite the words if I do say so myself.

Do you relate?