The Strength Start-Up, the MMA Start-Up, the WOD Start-Up, and the MMA Step-Up (took me about 26min). (The WOD On-Fire, the MMA On-Fire, and the Strength On-Fire parts - including rest in between - took me 19min). Followed by Yoga and Stretching.
Day5Arms&Legs: (it was a little bit of both)
Strength Start-Up:
8min Tabata: 40sec Hard, 20sec Rest
Competition Burpee with Double Push-Up Knee-In
Wgt'd V-Ups
L. Single-Arm DB Swing
R. Single-Arm DB Swing
Reverse Crunch
Competition Burpee with Double Push-Up Plank Twist
Seated Knee Tucks
Jump Squat
Rest for 1min
MMA Start-Up
2min Rounds
Round 1 = Side Kick to Side Hammer Strike to Front Hammer Strike
Round 2 = Roundhouse to Reverse Elbow Strike
WOD Start-Up:
8min AMRAP
10 Pistol Squats
10 Push-Ups
10 Leg Raises
Rest for 1min
MMA Step-Up
2min Rounds
Round 1 = Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Duck, Back Elbow Strike
Round 2 = Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Side Hammer Strike to Front
Hammer Strike
Strength On-Fire:
R. Single-Arm DB Swing
L. Single-Arm DB Swing
Rest for 1min
MMA On-Fire
2min Rounds
Round 1 = Side Kick to Roundhouse to Reverse Elbow Strike to
Overhead Hammer (Knife) Strike
Round 2 = Front Overhead Forearm Block to Uppercut to Front Elbow
Strike to Double Knee Strike
WOD On-Fire
Grasshopper (In plank position, jump foot across you body past the
opposite elbow - like an advanced Plank Twist)
Leg Raise to Toe Touch Crunch
Bicycle Sit-Ups OR Bicycle Crunches
Sumo Squat Jump
Yoga & Stretch for 10min