Mix it, soak it, cook it (at med-low), flip it, turn it to low, workout, and eat it!
Seriously though, while it's cooking, turn the stove on low and do a 12 min or 10min AMRAP Or 8min or 12min Tabata or even a 5min workout before you eat this, cause after you've got your heart pumping and your muscles fatigued, the starchy carbs will go straight to building and replenishing your muscles and not to fat storage.
Here's my 12min AMRAP called Hope On Fire: http://hannahllorenz.blogspot.com/2015/04/day7arms-hope-on-fire-12min-amrap.html
Of course if you are already at the weight you want to be at, then you don't have to workout before eating this. But Zuzkalight (one of my personal trainers and fitness inspirations) suggests ONLY eating this for breakfast.
But for some, even if you're already at the weight you want to be, it's still good to keep those habits going. Cause for me, I quit those habit last year and ended up where I didn't want to be. So I need to develop good habits and keep them and stay humble, or else pride gets to my head and I'm at where I don't want to be - overweight.
So, here's to working out even though we don't want to sometimes!
Granted today, I was so pumped to workout, I couldn't wait! I wish I was programmed that way everyday! But, alas, it's a mental game. Who's in control of your mind?
Enough rambling, Hannah, where's the recipe.
Pomegranate French Toast Sticks (gf, soy free, nut free, dairy free)
1 T Earth Balance Butter (for the Cast-Iron Skillet or Stainless Steel pan) (put on med-low)
3/4 c Egg Whites (from a carton) (= 4 Egg Whites) (put in a cereal bowl)
A couple dashes of Cinnamon (mix in with egg whites)
1 Udi's French Dinner Roll (sliced - I got 7 slices - soak in the cinnamon egg mixture)
2t Pomegranate (frozen or fresh - put on top of slices and egg)
Then (butter should be melted by now, so you can place the slices into pan and pour the pomegranate egg white mixture over the top.
I stored my bread slices in a jar the night before so that it's faster to make in the AM.
And I have pomegranate stored in the freezer so it's fresher longer.
Now, note that you could just cook the pomegranate egg mixture separate, but I like my bread drenched in the egg - more protein in every bite! ;)
And I love the my cast-iron pan. It's the best thing! Super easy to clean and take care of.
P.S. Did you know that the ancients and Chinese invented the cast-iron skillets in the BC, but it was first used by people of England for over the fire use in 1100 AD.