November 15, 2013

HWS 14 - 10min - 20min Ab Chiseler

Take your pick of doing a 10 minute AMRAP or a 20 minute AMRAP to chisel your body and abs.

I did this work out with my friend in 20 minutes and we did it right after completing my HWS 13.

I really should explain what some of these are, uh?

PUSH-UP KICK THRU - do a push-up
Then bring your right foot next to your right hand (like in image 3 below)
Then (like in image 4 without the arm's reach) bring/kick left foot in front of you and then bring it back behind you (like in image 3 and 5) - that is one rep. Do the same thing on the other side for rep 2.

Start with hands above your head and legs parallel to the ground (but try not to let them touch the ground) then meet your toes and hands (with a weight if you need more challenge) pointed to the ceiling - that's one rep. Return to start with both legs and arms going parallel to the ground but not touching the ground

ROBOTIC MOUNTAIN TWISTING SPIDERMAN - this is a slow and controlled exercise.
Start in plank bring right knee to right elbow (like slow motion 1/2 mountain climber)
Then rotate that right knee like a robot toward the wall on your left
Then slow robot-like rotate right knee back to right knee
To extend right leg behind you into the air
And finally bring the right knee to the outside of right knee into a Spider-Man (or more commonly known as the reptile or crow position) -that is one rep

REVERSE LUNGE JUMP -Start standing straight up, then lunge/step right leg behind you (keep knee behind toes) then jump up switching legs so the opposite leg is behind you.

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