October 29, 2013

Hannah's Warrior Shred - 9min. No Time Workout II

Your body deserves at least 9 minutes of your day to be properly taken care of.

Use the fuel (a.k.a calories) in your body to drive this short intense workout to heart pumping breathlessness.

Alternate two exercises for 3 minutes then alternate two different exercises for another 3 minutes, and finally alternate two more exercises for 3 more minutes.

You are going to do three 3 minute AMRAPs.

So for 3 minutes, alternate the two exercises and do as many rounds of them as you can.

(P.S. Completing the two exercises = 1 round)

Combo 1: 3 minute AMRAP
8 Grasshoppers
4 Scorpion Push Ups

Combo 2: 3 minute AMRAP
8 (each leg) Elevated Lunge Jump
4 Sumo SquatJumps 

Combo 3: 3 minute AMRAP
8 (each leg) FAST Plank Twists (aka. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers)
4 Close-Grip Push-Ups


Combo 1:
Grasshoppers - start in plank, alternate sides once = 1 rep by jumping feet back and forth across your hip - you can follow this link to see the exercise in motion however it has an extra part to to it in the video, where you stand up and then go back down into plank. Don't do the stand up part, just stay down in plank - http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/express/20-minute/crossfit-circuit-workout/?page=2#page=6

Scorpion Push-Ups

Combo 2:

Elevated Lunge Jump

Sumo Squat Jumps

Combo 3:
FAST Plank Twists (aka. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers)

Close-Grip Push-Ups - elbows touch your ribs as you go down

Modified Versions:

Modified Scorpion Push-Up

Modified Grasshoppers are Mountain Climbers or you could Plank Twists (as mentioned above)

Modified Elevated Lunge Jumps are without the jump = Elevated Lunge

Modified Sumo Squat Jump = Sumo Squat (so no jump)

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