October 17, 2013

Why you should strengthen your butt muscles

know for me that I struggle with lower back pain, but when I am consistently continuing to strengthen my inner most abs and my glutes the lower back pain starts getting smaller and smaller and then you know it just disappears like magic! Or medicine...or...

Either way when you work and strengthen your muscles, you save yourself and your money from seeing a doctor to fix it...AND you avoid serious injury if you are smart about what you are doing. Strengthening your abs and glutes will improve your posture and here is an excerpt of the article I found:

"Your glutes are the largest and strongest muscles in your body. They consist of three different muscles: gluteus minimus, medius and maximus. The three muscles work together to abduct, rotate and extend the hip. Strengthening your glutes can help improve posture and make sitting down, standing, picking up heavy objects and climbing stairs easier. Developing strong glutes can also improve athletic performance and decrease your risk for injuries."

Try my Hannah's Warrior Shred 3 -  Abs and Butt workout if you haven't already:

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