November 9, 2015

MONDAY'S MOUTH - Old English Words - Part 1

I must warn you that I have an obsession with words. I just really, really like words - fancy words, simple words, complex words, old words, foreign words, dialect-specific words (?). 

What would the world be like without words? How would we communicate or understand each other? We'd probably all be insanely good at charades or something... But I don't care to know what the world would like in that case. My brain hurts too much thinking about that, so back to something more sensible! Like old English words that Early Modern English folk would have used, more specifically in the 1700s time period (when my Remmington Pirates book series is set in).

Forsooth (English) = in fact, indeed, in truth
Mayhap (English) = perhaps 
Morrow (English) = tomorrow 
Anon (English) = in short time, soon, at another time, at once, immediately 
1 stone = 14 pounds
1/2 Stone = 7 pounds
Sennight (English) = a week
Swivet (English) = state of extreme agitation; "in a swivet" over something 
Bamboozle (English) = to deceive by trickery, hoax, cozen, impose upon (dates from 1700s)
Blowzabella (English) = an attractive woman, not necessarily a whore, but sexually approachable
Collops (English) = a pan-sized portion of meat, beaten flat
Cockchafers (English) = cockroaches 
Coneys (English) = rabbits
Codless scut (English) = a coward, literally a 'ball-less cunt'

Note: these words I came across over the past couple of years, so I cannot remember their exact sources. Some were from reading in other historical fiction books I've read (that were set near the 1700s). And some of these words I found in documents actually from that era. And some were from the "Outlandish Companion Book 1" by Diana Gabaldon.

By the way. You can buy the ebook version of the Remmington Pirates book series here on Amazon:

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