I'm told Irish people are know to talk very fast.
A friend of mine from Ireland, while I studied abroad in England was all concerned that I wouldn't be able to understand her with her Irish accent and fast talk. She didn't try to talk fast on purpose. It just happened. It's how her Irish environment is growing up and living in. And, I could understand her just fine. Of course, by then my ear was more accustomed to the English accent, which is very, very different from the Irish accent. And the Irish accent is very different from the Scottish accent, though at first they seem similar, but your ears and hopefully your mind figures out which is which.
I need to remind myself and just to tell you to keep in mind, there are different types of Irish accents, depending on what region or area of Ireland said persons are from - same goes for English accents and English-American accents.
Irish Dialect (and meaning when they say something) (the left side of the equal sign is the English meaning/word, while on the right is the Irish way for meaning the same thing): (they talk fast)
Awesome, great, very good (English say) = deadly (Irish say)
Ages/A long time (English say) = donkey's years (Irish say)
Extreme weather (good or bad) (English) = fierce weather (good or bad) (Irish)
Fight (English say) = foit (Irish say)
Fit (English) = fite (Irish)
Hit English) = hite (Irish)
House = hohse
I am not = amn't
Idiot (English) = eejit (Irish)
Kite = koyte
Knife = noyf
Life = loyf
Light = loit
Might = moit
Mouth = mohth
Or = ar
Out = oht
Right = roit
Strange = quare
That's = dat's
The = da/de
There = dere
Thing = tin
Third = tird
Thirty = tirty
This = dis
Throw = trow
Tight = toyt
You = ye/yez/yis/yous/ya (depending on which part of Ireland)
You know = Yez know
Your = yer
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