November 13, 2013

What Carbs to Eat For Fat Loss and Maintaining Muscle Tone

Carbs are considered the weight grain weapon...

But did you know that if you eat the right ones at the right time and in the right amount they will actually help you lose weight or if you don't want to lose weight they will help you maintain muscle tone?

Which carbs do I eat?

Slow digesting carbs = slowing down insulin levels! which means that blood sugar remains relatively normal (because insulin spikes can make you gain weight). 

Fast Digesting Carbs = increased blood sugar levels! which releases insulin! which can make you gain weight.

Slow Digesting Carbs = eaten immediately after a workout! the sugar in that carb (specifically fruit) rushes to muscles to help them replenish lost glycogen, the fuel that your muscles run on.

Fast Digesting Carbs = are man-made. They are found in breads (including bagels, buns and rolls), white rice, cold cereals, rice cakes, and fruit juices. They are processed carbs.

Slow Digesting Carbs = are natural carbs. They are found in yams, brown rice, wild rice, red potatoes, fruit and beans.

My Source: Jackie Warner's Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days

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