December 18, 2015


Abs are beautiful. They are an amazing and highly important part of the body. They support your ENTIRE body in more ways than most know. They help your posture. They take away back pain (if they're strong enough, if not then they need to be worked on!) Yes, I am completely guilty of neglecting my abs, cause I am feeling some lower back discomfort. So, trainers, fitness models, and fitness obsessed people that I have researched, say that if you get your abs strong, you won't feel back pain or have so many back problems. I want to believe this, so I'm going to go for it!

By the way...

But every day I have to remind myself, not just once or twice, but a hundred times that...


At any rate, this workout will get your hear rate up and feeling a burn in the abs!

Note, this workout uses weights to make it more challenging, at least for myself. Cause not adding some extra resistance, I feel like I'm not doing anything, and it takes way too many boring reps to get to that burning sensation. With that mentioned, these exercises can be done using absolutely no equipment whatsoever! So even if you don't have weights you can use on hand, you can still do this right in the comfort of your home! Or hotel room? Or guest bedroom at somebody's house for the holidays?

FRIDAY'S 19min HIIT Abs:
1min - 4 Weighted V-Ups 
1min - Right Side Crunch 
1min - Left Side Crunch 
1min - 4 Russian Twist Boat-Ups to 6 Scissors
1min - 2 Mogul Planks to 2 Plank Jacks to 2 Reach-Behind Planks
1min - 2 Push-Up Knee-Ins (have Dumbbells in your hands then roll-over) to 2 Wght't Bicycle Sit-ups 
1min - Right Side Crunch 
1min - Left Side Crunch 
1min - Alt. 10 Weighted Side Plank Lifts (hold weight on your hip)
1min - U-Boats (sitting, lean back on forearms and draw a "u" in the air with feet together)
1min - Hanging Knee-ups (OR W/out equipment do Leg Raises on floor)
1min - 5 Weighted Side Plank Reach-Under
[Optional Rest 1min]
1min 2 Weighted Split V-Ups to 4 Knee Hugs
1min 4 Jackknife to 2 Knee Hugs
1min - 2 Spider-Man Planks to 2 Side-to-Side Foot-Tap Plank to 2 Plank Twists
1min - Resisted Frog Press
1min - Right Side Crunch 
1min - Left Side Crunch 
1min - 4 Explosive Push-ups to 4 Mt. Climbers 

December 16, 2015

WEDNESDAY'S 24min HIIT Workout

Changing up the routine just a little, but still incorporating a lot of the same "Better Than Running Exercises," cause I'm not all that big I on running. But these HIIT workouts are better than running, because it keeps your body guessing and not getting bored, and thus burning loads more fat, instead of burning muscle.

WEDNESDAY'S 24min HIIT Workout:
Do 12 Rounds of 2min Intervals

2min - Sumo Squat Jumps 
2min - Pull-ups
2min - Weighted Sumo Squat Jumps 
2min - Alt. Push-up Row to Single-Arm Clean & Press
2min - 4 Lunge Jumps to 4 Jack Squats 
2min - Explosive Push-ups
2min - 2 Spider-Man Planks to 2 Plank Jacks to 2 Plank Twists
2min - 4 Weighted Bicycle Sit-ups to 2 Weighted V-Ups
2min - Weighted Sumo Squats
2min - 10 Left Romanian Lunge Jumps to 10 Right side
2min - 2 Push-up Knee-In to 4 Jump Squats 
2min - Close-Grip Push-up Burpee with Alt. Roundhouse Kick

Good job! You've just revved up your metabolism into fat burning mode!

Now stretch for at least 5min!

December 15, 2015

TUESDAY"S Better Than Running Workout 5

Today was kind of rough finding motivation to workout. 

And I thought of one of my fitness inspirations: 

Cause, let's be honest, it never seemed like the right time to do so, even though each one of those times would have been perfectly fine times to workout. I  mean, it's not like I'm going to die missing my two and half hour mark for my next little protein meal by working out over that time. Cause...

So fuel up shortly after the heart pumping session!

Still, days come, like today and yesterday where you feel like you can't get it right. So let it go. Know that it can't be perfect.

But no matter what, we have have to do what works best for us and not be afraid to take chances and just do it anyways!

So, here's to facing fears and worries and just pushing onward!

This is about a half hour power through, you might even be able to faster than that? Otherwise, beginners, slash the reps in half and do your best!

TUESDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 5:

80 Double Under Jump Rope 
60 Jump Squats 
40 Weighted V-Ups
20 Push-up Claps
20 Lunge Jumps
40 Romanian Lunge Jumps
60 Sumo Squat Jumps 
80 Double Under Jump Rope 
20 Explosive Push-ups
20 Push-up Knee-In
40 Romanian Lunge Jumps 
60 Plank Jacks
80 Double Under Jump Rope 
60 Jack Squats
40 Weighted Knee-Ins
20 Push-up Plank Twist

December 14, 2015

MONDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 4

Getting the heart rate up feel AMAZING! And absolutely refreshing! I can feel the fresh oxygen flooding through my veins, especially after the workout is done. 

You know you nailed the workout when you feel fresh oxygen flowing throughout your body hours after the workout. So good job! Pat yourself on the back! And even if you don't feel like it was a good workout AT LEAST YOU TRIED! Cause, a poor workout is better than none at all!

I must warn you, this workout is at an intermediate/advanced level. It's hard and wickedly magnificent! If you really want a challenge, try this workout two times through!!

Now, beginners, slash the reps in half or even in fourths (see bottom of this post for an example) and if you are up for the challenge repeat the workout for 2-3 rounds with the reps cuts, so you can complete the exercises in smaller numbers and it's so much easier, yet still effectively challenging for your level!

MONDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 4:

60 Sumo Squat Jumps
20 Push-up Claps
60 Sumo Squat Jumps 
80 Mt. Climbers 
60 Seated Row
20 Plank Jack Push-up
60 Jump Squats
80 Seated Row
60 Jack Squats 
20 Alt. Single-Arm DB Burpee
60 Mt. Climbers
80 V-Ups 
60 Jumps Squats 
20 Hand-Release Push-up Explosion


Push-up Claps - even do a modified version on your knees.

Seated Row - start heavy then go lighter so you can keep going without resting too much.

Plank Jack Push-up - even do a modified version on your knees and just plank jack the hands instead of the feet.

V-Ups - start kind of heavy then go lighter, so you're not resting too long - you still might rest long, even without weights with those least 20-40, but definitely on the last 10-20 pick some light weights again and try to finish with them in hand (even the last 5 reps, I give you a thumbs up)!

Hand-Release Push-Up Explosion - as you are pushing off the the ground, eplode your ENTIRE body feet and hands) off the ground and land softly back on your belly and repeat!

15-30 Sumo Squat Jumps
5-10 Push-up Claps
15-30 Sumo Squat Jumps 
20-40 Mt. Climbers 
15-30 Seated Row
5-10 Plank Jack Push-up
15-30 Jump Squats
20-40 Seated Row
15-30 Jack Squats 
5-10 Alt. Single-Arm DB Burpee
15-30 Mt. Climbers
20-40 V-Ups 
15-30 Jump Squats 
5-10 Hand-Release Push-Up Explosion 

December 13, 2015


Needed to feel my core burn with almost every rep, so that's what I did!

Just don't get caught like this guy till the last reps of...

Always use perfect form with each and every exercise, even if you have to take breaks to let your strength and energy re-boost.

SUNDAY'S 26min HIIT Abs:      Do 3 Rounds (of 1min AMRAPS)

1min Weighted Bicycle Sit-Ups
1min 2 Scissors to Reverse Crunch
1min 4 Flutter Kicks to Knee Hug
1min 10 Elbow Plank Hip Dips to 4 Plank-Ups
1min Left Opposite Limb Lift (lie on back and raise left arm and right leg up to meet toward the ceiling - and hold a light weight in hand)
1min Right Opposite Limb Lift (raise right arm and left leg - and hold a light weight in hand)
1min 4 Spider-Man Plank to 4 Extended Plank Side-to-Side Foot Tap to 4 Plank Twist
1min 2 Weighted V-Ups to 2 Weighted Split V-Ups to 2 Russian Twists
1min Rest

Cash-Out with 18-20min Cardio-Strength Training 

SATURDAY'S Sneaky Sweat Session: Legs

Living in an apartment with no gym and being unable to afford going to a gym forces one to be creative with what she does have to work with! I have to avoid big movements and jumpy movements, but still get my heart rate up, and still get some muscle burning sensation and still get sweaty.

So, what does a girl do?

Static Exercises. And some small movement exercises that don't even have walking involved!

Like my favourite: Sumo Squats!!

 It's all in upping the number of reps you do till you feel the burn and feel your muscles ready to fail, but you push for just a couple more.

SATURDAY'S Sneaky Sweat Session: Legs
100 Sumo Squats
50 Romanian Lunge (1/2 each leg)
50 Seated Row
20 Reverse Lunge Burpee with Push-Up Knee (alternate sides) [no jump]
50 Single-Arm DB Swing (1/2 ea. Side)
50 Alt. Single-Arm Clean and Press
100 Reverse Squat 
50 Right Side Crunch
50 Left Side a Crunch
20 Front Kick Burpee with Push-Up Plank Twist (alt. Sides) [no jump]
50 Single-Arm DB Swing
50 Close-Grip Push-Up
100 Weighted Sumo Squat
50 Right Side Crunch
50 Left Side Crunch
20 Roundhouse Burpee with Push-Up Kick-Through [no jump]
50 Romanian Lunge
50 Seated Row

December 11, 2015

THURSDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 3

How fast can you go without losing proper form????

Do 1 Round:
60 Romanian Lunges (1/2 each side)
50 Push-ups 
60 Mt. Climbers
50 Seated Row 
50 Reverse Lunge Knee-Up
60 Mt. Climbers
60 Sumo Squat Jumps 
30 Single-Arm DB Swings
50 Seated Row
50 Romanian Lunges (1/2 each side)
60 Mt. Climber

THURSDAY'S Chest n Legs Circuit Training

Start-Up:      Do 1 Round
5 Burpees
10 Alt. 2 Crow Plank to Push-up
5 Cindy = 5 Pull-ups to 10 Push-ups to 15 Squats
10 Pistol Squats 

Rest 1-2 min

Strength Step-Up:    Do 2-3 Rounds 

30 Weighted V-Ups
30 Lunge Jumps
15 Chest Press
30 Sumo Squat Jumps 
15 Single-Arm DB Swings
30 Frog Hops
15 DB Flyes

December 9, 2015

WEDNESDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 2: Legs n Abs

I'm just going to cut to the chase....

Note: depending on your fitness level this could take an hour. This did not take me a full hour, but I added some extra ab exercises at the end of the Ab Circuit, cause I felt like it, and that put my workout just a little over an hour. So, I am feeling quite satisfied.

WEDNESDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 2: Legs n Abs

Circuit 1: Legs On-Fire - Do 2 Rounds
50 Sumo Squat Jumps 
50 Push-ups 
50 Squat Jumps 
25 Pull-ups
50 Romanian Lunge Jumps (25 reps each leg)
50 Seated Row
50 Weighted Reverse Squats 
25 Push-ups 
1min Rest

Circuit 2: Ab Love (meaning it works on them love-handles)
45 Weighted V-Ups
45 Side V-Ups aka Side Crunches (45 each side)
75 Superman 
60 Russian Twist (30 each side)
45 Side Crunch (45 each side)
45 Leg Raises

Note: you can do one circuit for you workout and do the other circuit the next day if you don't have time to the whole workout. Nothing wrong with that! I mean, you know what they say, "A bad workout is better than no workout"!

Also, beginners, you can just do 1 Round of Circuit 1 OR split the reps in half and do 2 rounds of the halved version.

December 8, 2015

TUESDAY'S Better Than Running Workout 1

I was reading an article that listed most of these exercises as, "Exercises That Burn More Fat than Running;" and I decided to try them out myself wth push-ups being part of the workout, cause I want to work on my push-ups.

Better Than Running Workout 1:

15 Dumbbell Swings (each side) [OR 30 Kettlebell Swings]
50 Push-ups
50 Seated Row [I used dumbbells]
20 Burpees
1min Sprint back and forth 
1min Jump Rope
1min Sprints
1min Jump Rope
2min Cindy = 5 Pull-ups to 10 Push-ups to 15 Squats
50 Jump Squats 
50 Sumo Squat Jumps 
30 Lunge Jumps

NOTE: you will need to rest 10-60 sec between exercises, depending on you fitness level