April 28, 2015

Blue Peach-Eggy PB Protein Shake (Gluten, dairy, soy free)

Finished an intense workout...now time for something with lots of protein and vitamins!

First note, the recipe name in this picture is my first on-the-spot name-it-quick on snapchat. But after some thinking I came up with - what I think is the brilliant - title of "Blue Peach-Eggy PB Protein Shake"

I was very skeptical when I first started reading and researching about using raw egg whites in a protein shake. I mean that seemed a little disgusting. Egg whites? 

Well, raw egg whites are cheaper than any other protein powders. Plus, it'd be a protein source in my dealy missed protein shakes that I am not allergic to.

So I found a formula that I could try that made it sound tastefully appealing that was also dairy free (cause I can't have dairy too often with my intolerance) and you know, I had ingredients on-hand that I could use as the formula suggested.

The formula is here:

So then I started to get excited... 

"It's time to go to the kitchen and try this beast!"

Blue Peach-Eggy PB Protein Shake (My Recipe):
1/2 c cold water
3/4 c Egg Whites (100cal, 20g Protein)
1 c Blueberries, frozen (70cal, 1g Proetin)
1 Kiwi, fresh, sliced (30cal)
5 Peach slices, frozen (40cal, 0.5g Protein)
1 T Krema Peanut Butter (95cal, 4.5g Protein)

Entire Recipe = 335cal, about 26g Protein

After blending all the ingredients together, the first spoonful definitely hit its mark.

Day8TotalBody - CrossFit@Home

Get some cardio in with the high intensity muscle building style of training!

The entire workout took me about a good 50-some minutes.

Feel free to do different sections of the workouts on different days or different times during the day - like half in the morning and half in the evening? Do whatever you have to do to get your body working better for you! Not that it isn't already working for you, but it can be better! How about a faster metabolism for burning off those empty/unnecessary calories you've eaten yesterday? Or how about to keep your body guessing in ordered to keep your metabolism revving high?

Try this workout for size! I mean time! ;)

Day8TotalBody - CrossFit@Home:

Strength Start-Up (My Time = 11:30min)
Do 6 Rounds

10 Reverse Push-Ups
50 Reverse Squats

Stretch & Rest = 2min

WOD Start-Up (My Time = 11:25min)

Hand-Release Push-Up Plank Twist
Frog Jumps
Ab Splitters

Stretch&Rest = 5min

Strength On-Fire (My Time 9:50min)
2 Rounds

50 Walking Lunges
40 Left Side Crunch
40 Righr Side Crunch

Rest&Stretch = 2min

WOD On-Fire
8min Tabata
50sec Hard, 10sec Rest

Yoga and Stretch = 6:25min

Feeling accomplished now!

Some workout inspiration from Henry Cavill training for Man of Steel doing Reverse Push-Ups

Oh yes! And then a half hour after working out I was like

I had my new Blue Peach-Eggy PB Protein Shake (Gluten, dairy and soy free) - it's loaded with protein and vitamins:

April 14, 2015

Day7Arms&Legs - Hope On Fire - 12min AMRAP CrossFit@Home

Good morning, beautiful people! The day is going to be great! Don't let hope stay in the dungeon. Let it fly your word to positive happenings!

This is a 12 minute AMRAP inspired by CrossFit's Hope For Kenya workout.

Hope On Fire is a 12min AMRAP:

50 Air Squats
30 Push-Ups
15 Pull-Ups OR Reverse Push-Ups OR Row (basically works the same muscles)
5 Dips OR Muscle Ups OR Tricep Dips 

How many rounds can you do in 12min?

Modified Muscle Ups:

Except I use a dip station, cause that's what I got:

P.S. Did you know that one round = 100 reps?? Good job!


Gluten Free Pomegranate French Toast Sticks - soy free, nut free, dairy free

Mix it, soak it, cook it (at med-low), flip it, turn it to low, workout, and eat it!

Seriously though, while it's cooking, turn the stove on low and do a 12 min or 10min AMRAP Or 8min or 12min Tabata or even a 5min workout before you eat this, cause after you've got your heart pumping and your muscles fatigued, the starchy carbs will go straight to building and replenishing your muscles and not to fat storage. 

Here's my 12min AMRAP called Hope On Fire: http://hannahllorenz.blogspot.com/2015/04/day7arms-hope-on-fire-12min-amrap.html

Of course if you are already at the weight you want to be at, then you don't have to workout before eating this. But Zuzkalight (one of my personal trainers and fitness inspirations) suggests ONLY eating this for breakfast.

But for some, even if you're already at the weight you want to be, it's still good to keep those habits going. Cause for me, I quit those habit last year and ended up where I didn't want to be. So I need to develop good habits and keep them and stay humble, or else pride gets to my head and I'm at where I don't want to be - overweight.

So, here's to working out even though we don't want to sometimes! 

Granted today, I was so pumped to workout, I couldn't wait! I wish I was programmed that way everyday! But, alas, it's a mental game. Who's in control of your mind?
Enough rambling, Hannah, where's the recipe.

Pomegranate French Toast Sticks (gf, soy free, nut free, dairy free)
1 T Earth Balance Butter (for the Cast-Iron Skillet or Stainless Steel pan) (put on med-low)
3/4 c Egg Whites (from a carton) (= 4 Egg Whites) (put in a cereal bowl)
A couple dashes of Cinnamon (mix in with egg whites)
1 Udi's French Dinner Roll (sliced - I got 7 slices - soak in the cinnamon egg mixture)
2t Pomegranate (frozen or fresh - put on top of slices and egg)

Then (butter should be melted by now, so you can place the slices into pan and pour the pomegranate egg white mixture over the top.

I stored my bread slices in a jar the night before so that it's faster to make in the AM.

And I have pomegranate stored in the freezer so it's fresher longer.
Now, note that you could just cook the pomegranate egg mixture separate, but I like my bread drenched in the egg - more protein in every bite! ;)
And I love the my cast-iron pan. It's the best thing! Super easy to clean and take care of.

P.S. Did you know that the ancients and Chinese invented the cast-iron skillets in the BC, but it was first used by people of England for over the fire use in 1100 AD.

April 6, 2015

7min AMRAP of Burpee Pull-Ups

So I didn't think of posting my Easter workout, because it was so short, but eh! I read articles all the time saying "doing something is better than nothing".

I started with "let's see how many we can do in 2:30minutes...." before Easter lunch. And then as those 2:30minutes finished, I was like, "No! Let's go longer!"

 7 minutes of Burpee Pull-Ups.

And now, the day after Easter, I am sore. IT'S GREAT!

April 1, 2015

Day6TotalBody and Yoga - CrossFit@Home - WORKOUT Wednesday

The Strength Start-Up and the WOD Start-Up (took me about 22min).

I feel a sense of peace having done a much longer yoga sequence after doing 2 CrossFit inspired workouts instead of 4 this time, since I am much shorter on time to do an almost hour long workout.

Hey, I read a tip from the celebrity and non-celebrity personal trainer, Jackie Warner that: "Protein helps curb your appetite, has a direct fat-burning and hormone-balancing effect, relieves anxiety, and builds and maintains muscles so that even a 10 minute workout is not wasted."

Strength Start-Up
                        10min AMRAP
                                                  25 Pull-Ups OR Reverse Push-Ups
                                                  20 Lunge Jumps
                                                  15 Snatches (each side)
                                                  10 Side Crunches
                                                  5 Handstand Push-Ups OR Pike Push-Up

Rest&Stretch/Yoga 3min

WOD On-Fire:
                                                  Clean & Press
                                                  R. SideCrunch 
                                                  L. SideCrunch 
                                                  Scorpion Push-Up

Stretch&Yoga  for 20min

Here are some of the poses I did...there are more, I just can't think of there names at this point and time. So I encourage you to create your own or go on youtube or find another blogger or website offering yoga workouts to learn more.

                   Hold each pose for 15sec, then repeat and hold for 20 sec
                                                  Downward Dog
                                                  L. Pigeon Pose
                                                  R. Pigeon Pose
                                                  Butterfly Pose
                                                  Toe to Knee Pose
                                                  Downward Dog
                                                  Four Limbed Staff (except hold this one for 5seconds
                                                  Cobra Pose

                   Now Hold each pose for 30sec, 
                                                  Mountain Pose (except hold this one for 5seconds)
                                                  Downward Dog
                                                  Mountain Pose (except hold this one for 5seconds
                                                  Eagle Pose
                                                  Tree Pose
                                                  Mountain Pose (except hold this one for 5seconds