January 9, 2014

HWS 31 - No-Equipment Sweat

Don't let the big numbers scare you.

Take your time to do it right.

You can.

Push yourself.

Ignore the "I don't want to" and the "I can't".

You control your mind.

You decide how bad you want it.

Sometimes, I myself need encouragement and reminding to control my thoughts if I'm going to get anything done. And keeping a journal to talk to yourself is a very refreshing, re-centering thing to do for yourself. It's okay to take time for your heart to have your mind's full attention. 

Let the voice of your heart speak louder than the negative, discouraging voice.

Let your heart inspire and encourage you.

Anyways, this "No-Equipment Sweat" took me exactly 30minutes to do four exercises five times with a smaller number of reps each round. 

It's a 50-40-30-20-10 rep workout.
For round one, complete 50 reps for each exercise.
For round two, complete 40 reps for each exercise.

If you are a beginner, try a 30-24-18-12-6 rep workout.
For round one, complete 30 reps for each exercise.
For round two, complete 24 reps for each exercise.

CrossBody Mountain Climbers - In push-up position (on hands and toes. Hands shoulder-width apart, feet next to each other, pretend a board is going from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet), quickly bring left knee to right elbow and put it back and bring right knee to left elbow - that's one rep.

Sumo Squat Jump - feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed outward, shoulders back, chest out, back straight, Abs tight, look ahead, squat down as far as you can, jump up off the ground, land softly on your toes back into a sumo squat - that's one rep

One-Legged Push-Ups - Start in regular push-up position, on hands and toes. Hands shoulder-width apart, feet next to each other, pretend a board is going from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Now lift right leg into the air, abs tight, and do a push-up - that's one rep. [Tip: Don't let hips sag toward the ground]. Alternate sides till total reps completed.
Here is the modification: Same concept, except one knee is on the ground.

One-Legged Squat - Stand on one leg, lifted leg is slightly off the ground behind you. Stand straight,I Abs tight, chest out, squat down as far as you can, keeping your standing knee behind your grounded foot - that's one rep. 
It's optional to reach down and tap the floor on either side of your grounded foot with your fingers.
It's optional, especially if your knee bothers you, to rest the toes of your raised leg on the ground behind you to help you squat lower, keeping the front knee behind toes when you squat down.

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