November 28, 2013

HWS 21 - 3 minute Rounds of Brutality

Sweaty craziness is an absolute addictive heart pumping pleasure. What can I say?

Complete 10 rounds. Each round is 3 minutes long, where you complete as many sets of the exercises as you can. 

After each round do 30 seconds of rest.

Round 1 = 3 minutes to repeat 10 Elevated Lunge Jumps (on each leg jump up and down on the forward leg)
 Then do 2 Half Burpee Tuck Jumps (dropping down to plank then jumping feet back up to hands to 

stand up and jump up as high as possible while bringing your knees up to hip level = one rep)

Then 30 seconds of rest

Then 30 sec. rest

Round 3 = 10 Elevated Pike Press
+ 20 Side Crunches on each side
 Or moody it by bending your knees as you raise your legs off the ground 

30 second rest

Round 4 = 2 Squat Jumps
+ 2 Lunges then
10 Crunch
+ Toe Touch

30 second rest

Round 5 = 4 Elevated push Up Knee Ins
+ 4 Half Burpee

with 2 Plank Jacks

30 second rest

Round 6 = 20 Side Crunches each side
+ 10 Jack Squats

30 second rest

Round 8 = 3 One-Legged Pike Press

+ 3 One-Legged Jump Squat

30 second rest

Round 9 = 8 Mountain Climbers
+ 8 Alternating One-Legged V-Ups

30 second rest

Round 10 = 4 Two Lunge Jumps
+ Two Squat Jumps then
20 Side Crunches each side

November 26, 2013

HWS 20 - Arms, Chest and Ab Fatiguer

100 Push ups!

That's right!

Not in a row. We will go by tens and alternate them with 20reps of Ab exercises.

Did you know that you are working your abs when you do push-ups too?? Cause you are! It's great!

This took me about 33 minutes to do 1 round, can you beat my time?

HWS 19 - Cardio Abs

Do 1 Round if you are a beginner or crunched for time.

Do 2 Rounds if you are more advanced or have more time.

Boat Sit Up 

Criss Cross Lift Switch (you do not need to go all the way up with your legs past your head, but aim for the ceiling at least) 
(and to make it more challenging, lower your legs to just above the ground - that is, lower than then picture below)

The next Ab exercise I created, so you won't find an example on the internet, but I tried to find ways to piece the exercise together.

Open Legged Boat Sit Up Floor Tap - legs are apart, your upper and lower body stagger just above the ground a little. 
Now keep you legs open but bend at the knee slightly as you sit up bringing both hands to tap the floor in front of you (between and under your legs) and try to keep your legs off the ground.

This picture is basically a modification version (it is P90x's Wide Leg Sit up):

Remember the workout does not have to be perfect and exactly like mine, just be creative and work those abs!

HWS 18 - Obliques n Thighs in 400 reps

Do 2 Rounds for time.

You can do this workout with or without equipment.

Side Plank Elbow to Knee

James Bond Side Plank 
Add a weight