February 17, 2014

HannahWarriorShred 34 - 10minute

No time for that good hour workout?

That's okay, cause you can still do a maintenance workout to help you not lose any muscle from all the hard work you have put into it.

But you have to really push yourself hard with little to no rest for 10 minutes - which like, 1% of your day, maybe??

Option A: do a 10 minute AMRAP

Option B: do 4 Rounds for time

(Do which ever one you have time for)

Do it:

30 High Knee Jogging in place
15 Romanian Lunge Jumps (15 reps each leg)
30 High Knee Jog 
15 Split-Iron-Man-V-Ups
30 High Knee Jog
15 Hand-Release Push-Up Jumps

How to:

High Knee Jogging in place (bring left knee up as high as possible, quickly bringing right knee up as high as possible = 1 rep)

Elevated Lunge Jumps (15 reps each leg)

Split-Iron-Man-V-Ups (start with just your butt on the ground and your limbs slightly above the ground, then raise your legs spread apart in a 'V' shape and open palms go between your legs and face the wall in front of you - pretend you can shoot with a blaster gun through your palms like Iron Man)

Hand-Release Push-Up Jumps (start in push-up position, lower entire body to the ground, lifting hands off the ground,then push your entire body off the ground as you push up = 1rep)

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