October 29, 2013

HWS 7 - 30 min AMRAP Extreme Fat Torture

I wanted to stop at 15 minutes! 

But I talked to myself gently - if that's the right word. I was not mean to myself.

I kept going, because the enemy won't give up. Pretend you are fighting for your life, criminals want to kidnap you or steal something you value or destroy your home or....

 Which you are fighting for your life if you want to think about it that way. Your health is worth fighting for. So you workout to help your heart and your body fight off the excess fat or simply keep it off your temple (a.k.a. your body) if you are not concerned with losing weight.

Your body is your weapon to saving yourself from disease and help prevent injuries (because you are stronger). 

Your mind is the warrior that decides to use the weapon.

This workout, simply put - alternate 1min cardio with 2min strength exercises.

Do as many reps as you can and then move onto the next!

Leave a comment if you have more questions!

Hannah's Warrior Shred - 9min. No Time Workout II

Your body deserves at least 9 minutes of your day to be properly taken care of.

Use the fuel (a.k.a calories) in your body to drive this short intense workout to heart pumping breathlessness.

Alternate two exercises for 3 minutes then alternate two different exercises for another 3 minutes, and finally alternate two more exercises for 3 more minutes.

You are going to do three 3 minute AMRAPs.

So for 3 minutes, alternate the two exercises and do as many rounds of them as you can.

(P.S. Completing the two exercises = 1 round)

Combo 1: 3 minute AMRAP
8 Grasshoppers
4 Scorpion Push Ups

Combo 2: 3 minute AMRAP
8 (each leg) Elevated Lunge Jump
4 Sumo SquatJumps 

Combo 3: 3 minute AMRAP
8 (each leg) FAST Plank Twists (aka. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers)
4 Close-Grip Push-Ups


Combo 1:
Grasshoppers - start in plank, alternate sides once = 1 rep by jumping feet back and forth across your hip - you can follow this link to see the exercise in motion however it has an extra part to to it in the video, where you stand up and then go back down into plank. Don't do the stand up part, just stay down in plank - http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/express/20-minute/crossfit-circuit-workout/?page=2#page=6

Scorpion Push-Ups

Combo 2:

Elevated Lunge Jump

Sumo Squat Jumps

Combo 3:
FAST Plank Twists (aka. Cross-Body Mountain Climbers)

Close-Grip Push-Ups - elbows touch your ribs as you go down

Modified Versions:

Modified Scorpion Push-Up

Modified Grasshoppers are Mountain Climbers or you could Plank Twists (as mentioned above)

Modified Elevated Lunge Jumps are without the jump = Elevated Lunge

Modified Sumo Squat Jump = Sumo Squat (so no jump)

October 25, 2013

Fat Burning Cannellini Omelet

So tasty. 

Especially with a dash of Lemon Pepper seasoning.

Some fresh, minced garlic clove mixed with white kidney beans (Cannellini).

Whipped into two eggs.

Cooked like a pancake in Grapeseed Oil.

According Jackie Warner's "Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days" book

"I find beans to be the best weight-loss secret in the world - thanks a to lysine, an amino acid. Lysine plays a significant role in fat burning and muscle building. It works by helping the body build muscle protein... It can also enhance calcium absorption and retention, which not only is important for bone health, but can also aid calcium's ability to regulate body weight." (Pg 218)

Anyways, I had some left over mixture of Cannellini beans with a minced garlic (-is that basically a shortened way of saying: small, tiny slices of a whole garlic clove), stirred in.

Bean Mixture Recipe: 
One average can size of Cannellini Beans
One small Galric Clove (peeled and diced)
About 1/4 cup Dairy-Free Shredded Cheese

[NOTE: You do not need the whole bean mixture for one Omlet - in fact it serves at least 4-6 possibly more. I have not actually tried that many servings, because I used the bean mixture for something else and just had leftovers that I did not know what to do with.]

Cannellini Omelet Recipe: (in a cereal bowl)
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of Cannellini Bean mixture
Dash of lemon pepper
2-4 T Grapeseed or Olive Oil for pan ( I used a cast-iron pan over medium heat)

Pour Omlet mix into oiled pan and cook on one side till egg mixture begins to bubble then flip over and cook the next side a for a few minutes.

It is about 365 calories (because if the oil that soaks into it when cooking).

Ok, so I need to share this, it is also from Jackie Warner's book:

"Beans  are packed with soluble fibre" and that my friend "helps the body to rid itself of cholesterol through the digestive tract."

Kidney, pinto, adzuki beans, as well as, red lentils and yellow split peas, are helpful in balancing estrogen levels.

"The Lysine in beans helps in recovery from injuries, as well as assisting the body's production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies."

Jackie Warner said "I eat two eggs with the yolks every day of my life," that's how much she believes in the fat burning power that eggs have. Why? Because "a huge part of eggs' fat burning power lies in the fact that the yolk contains lecithin, which breaks down fat in the body."

"Since eggs contain all the amino acids that are needed to build keratins, a group of tough, fibrous proteins that from the structural framework of certain cells, they strengthen hair, skin, and nails."

Eggs are also supportive in brain activity, like "sleeping, memory, attention, and mood."

Now I am even more excited to eat this stuff, especially because I know what it is doing in my body. Cause, for me (and maybe I am strange, but), it is far more motivating to eat it just by knowing exactly why it is good for you. So I hope my research has helped you too! ;)

October 24, 2013

HWS 6 - Ab Chiseler II


Dripping with sweat.

Heart Racing.

Catch my breath.

Go hard again.

Pace around, let the heart slow down for half a minute.

Go hard some more.

Body revving as a fat burning machine.

Go as fast as you can, stopping to catch your breath and let your heart slow down for half a minute to 2 minutes. Keep it hard for you body and you body will thank you for it later.

Foggy Business is a combo of a frog push-up and vertical leap. Squat like a frog, tip upper body forward putting hand on ground, do a push-up, pushing your arms into extension and hands off the ground so you can be in upright frog squat to do a frog jump in place, slapping your hands on your thighs as they come up toward the chest.

I need another me to do the filming and photo taking of myself doing the exercises for you...someone should figure out how to duplicate persons.

Anyways, more on the Froggy Business (which is exactly like Zuzkalight's Monkey Business, except with a frog push-up in place of a monkey push-up - here http://www.zuzkalight.com/workouts/300-rep-online-workout/)

So after doing the frog push-up go quickly into an in place frog jump (slapping your thighs into your hands that are about chest level - this jump is not supposed to be insanely high, just nice hope) and then go back down into frog push-up and repeat! (But hey, if you want to go for the insanely high leap do it!)

For the Mountain Climbers, every other other knee to chest  is a mini push-up, equalling one rep.

So when you bring left knee toward left elbow do a mini push-up and then then as your arms straighten back up bring your right knee to you right elbow. That is one rep. Then as you bring left knee to left elbow do another mini push-up and as your arms straighten bring right knee to right elbow and alternate that as fast as you can!

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment!

Water, Why are You Such Good Medicine, Again?

Sometimes, or some days i just need a little reminder as to why I need to drink water. Because, let's face it, I forget! I have so many other things on my mind.

I hardly have time to even just relax and drink the water, cause I forget to drink my water sometimes. Granted I always get at least one liter of water a day, I know I feel best with three liters, and I know that a lot of people don't even get one liter of water a day - I mean water that 's not tainted or snuck into juicy fruits or tea or coffee.

I just had to add a picture of people from the eighteenth century drinking tea, which is how they got their water intake, since their water was dirty and unsafe to drink.

Hence, I do count my daily teas into my daily goal of three liters a day, but honestly, I can't drink my tea without Stevia (it's sweetly amazing and zero calorie organic, natural sweetener from a stevia leaf), but something about pure water makes water medicine to sometimes psychotic digestive system or simply aiding in faster calorie burn or in strengthening in you immune system to ward of diseases or illnesses.

I am pretty sure I should have come down with the bug my three roommates had a few weeks ago, but I did not get sick.

Nope! I stayed healthy, drinking at least two liters of water a day! And exercising and eating veggies, eggs, veggies, and fruit for the most part. (Yes, I had plenty of treats, probably one treat of some sort everyday - we can't forget the treats!) ;)

So I came across this article that gave a reminder of why we should drink water: 

It Hydrates Your Cells

After a long night's rest, it is common to wake up dehydrated. Hydration first thing in the morning is important, because it increases the rate at which new muscle and blood cells are produced. A hydrated body allows for a healthy flow of oxygen, allowing you to stay alert and energized.

It Detoxes the Body

Water, especially lemon water, is a natural detox. Drinking water flushes out toxins and impurities. Not only does this keep you healthy, but it also leads to clear skin. Water purifies the colon too, allowing for the proper absorption of nutrients. While a plain glass of water is great, adding lemon increases the rate of urination in the body, maximizing enzyme function and stimulating the liver for detoxification.

It Aids in Weight Loss

Consider water a wake-up call for your digestive system! Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning boosts your metabolism heading into the day. In fact, research shows that an increase in water consumption leads to an increase in the rate at which people burn calories as opposed to storing them as fat. Water also fills you up, curbing your appetite. Chances are that starting your day off with a healthy glass of water instead of a sugary latte will help you make smarter choices throughout the rest of your day.

It Prevents Sickness

If you're getting sick often, it could be that you're not drinking enough water. Water plays a crucial part in maintaining a healthy a lymphatic system. When this system is balanced, your body can properly fight off infection. Studies have also shown that dehydration leads to higher cortisol levels and, in turn, stress and sickness.


October 23, 2013

Pumpkin Quinoa Breakfast Cookies (Sugar-Free, Oil-Free, Gluten-Free, Low-Calorie)

So I followed this recipe, but I subbed out ingredients like oil and sugar and didn't have other pumpkin spice other than cinnamon and nutmeg. 

And the result is yummy, breakfast to go with far less calories than the original, which would have probably had close to 100 calories a cookie. 

But these bad boys, have.... 

Look at this mine-field of healthy explosions in your mouth!

Anyways, these only have 54 calories. 

Per cookie.

I know! I couldn't believe it either!

It made me so excited! They actually turned out great!

Tastefully, healthy tasting!

Not as bland as I thought they would turn out. In fact, even better!

Although, if you have a sweet tooth you might not like these at all, but if you like a tiny sweetness but want to avoid sugary tasting then you will love these.

I think next time, I would had a little more cinnamon??

And I confess that I forgot to add the vanilla extract in this first batch, so next time they will have tad nit more sweetness to them to really take them home!

Quinoa, almond flour, and egg are all protein rich and fiber filled. Ground flaxseed meal has good omega-3 fats and as good fiber too.

October 18, 2013

HWS 4 - Thighs, Obliques, and Arms

Your legs will BURN!

Your muscles will grow.

Drink lots of water - 2-3 liters a day to really see faster weight loss, as long it is supported by veggie packed diet with some healthy carbs and protein.

Oblique Jump Twist:

Side Crunches:

Jack Squat (but eberyone else seems to call them "squat jacks" which just doesn't make sense to me):

Squat Pulse is where you really feel the burn, even though you are in squat and just slightly bouncing your glutes in small mini squats where you do not go all the way down nor do you go all the way up:

The Monkey Push-Up - is when your hands are wider than shoulder width apart and your knees are slightly bent and your butt is higher than your head:

October 17, 2013

Why you should strengthen your butt muscles

know for me that I struggle with lower back pain, but when I am consistently continuing to strengthen my inner most abs and my glutes the lower back pain starts getting smaller and smaller and then you know it just disappears like magic! Or medicine...or...

Either way when you work and strengthen your muscles, you save yourself and your money from seeing a doctor to fix it...AND you avoid serious injury if you are smart about what you are doing. Strengthening your abs and glutes will improve your posture and here is an excerpt of the article I found:

"Your glutes are the largest and strongest muscles in your body. They consist of three different muscles: gluteus minimus, medius and maximus. The three muscles work together to abduct, rotate and extend the hip. Strengthening your glutes can help improve posture and make sitting down, standing, picking up heavy objects and climbing stairs easier. Developing strong glutes can also improve athletic performance and decrease your risk for injuries."

Try my Hannah's Warrior Shred 3 -  Abs and Butt workout if you haven't already: