February 13, 2013

Hannah's WW #3

Bonjour Warriors!

Before we really push our bodies to get stronger and fitter...
Drink Water! Lots of water (like at least one to four cups before starting)
Warm-Up (Don't let your muscles or joints hurt)
And Cool Down (for me that's at least 5 to 10 minutes of stretching my muscles)

Now for WW #3: Do 8 Rounds (OR you could do 30min. AMRAP)
20 Plank Janks
20 Mountain Climbers (20 each knee to elbow)
12 Alternating 2 Close-Grip Push-Up and 2 Military Push-ups (till total of 12 reps) (keep your back straight)
20 Lunge Jump (10 each side)
12 Squat Jumps
12 Pike Sit-Up Crunch


Plank Jacks - in plank position jump feet apart then together then apart then together, etc.

Mountain Climbers - bring left knee to left elbow immediately switch and bring right knee to right elbow, 20 times each side

Close-Grip Push-up - elbows are close to your side when you go down, so you're working your triceps more. If this is too easy get your knees off the ground

Military Push-Up

Lunge Jump - I jump in lunge position on left side 10 times then do switch and do 10 on the other. You can alternate switching from left to right to left to right.

Front knee behind toes, back straight

Squat Jumps - squat and jump off ground - I just have my hands by my sides in a 90 degree angle or something. You can have your hands behind your head just pull on your neck.

Pike Sit-Up Crunch

On Feb 11, I did 4 Rounds in 17 minutes before going to bed.
I am going to do 8 Rounds today and I will update this later telling you how long it took me. ;)

And go hard!

P.S. An AMRAP is "As Many Rounds As Possible" in a certain amount of time.

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