October 27, 2012

Jane and Grandmamma in Book 1 Part 2 of 2...It was part of the prologue

Previously in my post, "Jane and Grandmammain in Book 1 Part 1 of 2...It was part of the prologue," Jane has entered her Grandmother's luxurious bedroom...

     "Yes, thank you." Jane walked in and stood before her her beautifully aging grandmother, who was visiting her family for a while. Jane's father was Grandmamma's eldest of three sons. She generally resided at Uncle David's - the middle son.
     "Our Martha has gotten quite close to Lord Joshua, has she not?" The elder turned around to her vanity and picked up the hat. Martha was the cousin and best friend of Jane and her sister, Alexandra. She lived in Portsmouth with her mother and father, David Remmington.
      "Oh, yes, she has," Jane answered, not fully focused on the topic, but on the secretiveness of the thief. She debated between asking about what was stolen.
      "I would not be surprised if he asked her to marry him. Would you?"
      Jane decided she was going to ask about the thief. She answered, "Yes...Grandmamma, I don't mean to be, I mean, well, I was wondering..."
      "Yes?" Grandma Remmington turned around with a warm smile, holding the hat and adjusting the feathers on it to her liking. She still held youthful eyes in her wrinkled face and a beautiful hourglass figure. She had been molded to have a prim and proper stature.
      Jane opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She glanced downward. Maybe she shouldn't ask about it. Naturally, though her curiousity overruled, and she continued, "The thief? What did he steal?"
     The older lady sighed. "So you did hear." She turned around, walking toward the vanity. She set it down on top. "I am dying, as I'm sure you know."
     "Grandmamma, I'm sorry. I could not help but overhear." Jane looked up and met her grandmother's brown eyes. She felt horrible. Her grandmother was suffering something fatal.
      "Oh! It's all right, my dear." She rotated around to give her granddaughter a fondsmile. "You, Alexandra and Martha would find out eventually anyways."
       "But it is not time for you to know yet."

Almost what Grandmamma's bedroom looks like!

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