November 6, 2015


Today is the day for inspiring and motivating and encouraging quotes from my Remmington Pirates' characters. And maybe even some random other quotes or a dialogue for the fun of it - that will go in the book series! (I've just got to figure out where to put it in the series. I do have a rough idea, but I've got to organize my scenes and dialogues into their proper places in the story, which sometimes I get scenes, where I want it in this one part of the story AND in that other part of the story. But I can't do both, so I got to choose one!

Heroine, Martha Remmington:
"If you die, that's already the end. You have to fight to survive," said Marty.


"He who wins a victory over someone is strong. But he who who wins a victory over himself is all powerful," said [CHARACTER UNKNOWN]


BONUS SCENE - Heroine, Alexandra Remmington and her pirate uncle, Admiral Crazy Lou:

"Are they safe?" Asked Alex staring with uncertainty at Captain Gavin, Captain Jacob and their separate crews sizing each other up Jacob with rivalry and disgust over combining crews at Admiral Crazy Lou's bidding.
"Safe? Who said anything about? Of course, they are not safe. But they will be good," said Admiral Crazy Lou. "I trust them."

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